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Victor Pov
Me and yuri are making out on his bed ;)
I had to bring yuri home as he had a panic attack during this mornings physics lesson.
Yuri is so delicate and shy he suffers from anxiety and mild depression, he has medication but it doesn't always help.
I brought him home because I didn't want him to have a major attack and have to go to hospital, the times it has gotten really bad and he had to go to hospital were terrifying.
I never want to see my sweet yuri in pain like that.
' vita...' yuri moaned in to are kiss.
I pulled away and stroked his dark hair, catching my breath.
Once I had gotten yuri home (his parents at work)  we cuddled on his bed, I usually do this because it makes yuri feel safe and calmes him down,  Yuri treats me differently to everyone else I'm the only one he opens up to and it's taken me awhile,  it's hard for yuri to trust people as he had been bullied and sexualy harassed in his old schools resulting in his extreme anxiety, that affects him ever day.
If I got my hands on those basterds that hurt my little yuri.... (you probably guess what I'd do to them)
I remember when I met yuri, it was the week of school and I herd someone crying in the bathroom,  after I got them to open the door I saw a gorgeous Japanese boy with dark hair and chocolate eyes he was a little over weight back then and his school uniform was to small for him.
I remember asking him what's wrong only to have him cry more, I realised the best thing to do was comfort him,  so I asked to walk him to class or have lunch with me and soon we went everywhere together.
He never told me why he was upset every time,  when he would brake down in class and the teacher would ignore him it broke my Hart or to see him every morning with puffy red eyes and dark circles from sleepless nights, his weight also concerned me, he would lose and gain so dramatically it would scare me how skinny he would become in a matter of weeks to putting back on more weight only to lose it again.
I once caught yuri making himself sick when visiting his house I was so afraid he was becoming anorexic or bulimic I started crying and shouting at him,  I just never wanted him to be in pain,  Yuri is beautiful in my eyes no matter what shape or size as long as he's happy.
Remembering how unhappy he was after knowing him for a eight months
I noticed he had been getting more anxiety attacks and losing more weight till he wasn't much more than a skeleton did I received a text that changed my world.

Victor I'm so grateful to have you as a friend, you have made these past months bearable because you have been by my side and helped me so much, you made me get out of bed in the morning and sleep at night you are my sun rise and sun set my moon and stars my everything,  you probably only think of me as a friend but I love you Victor.
I really love you with everything I have.
By the time you read this I will be gone at peace hopefully,  there's to much pain for me to go on and I'll only drag you down with me.
I don't want to be a burden to you,  I don't deserve your kindness or friendship but thank you for everything I love you xx

When I received that text from yuri I felt I had lost everything.
I ran to Yuris house praying and crying that I wasn't to late.
I remember slamming the front door open and running upstairs to Yuris room to find the bathroom door locked I hammerd my first and shouting.
' yuri! Open the door please!'
' Victor? '
' yes! Yuri it's me! Please open the door! '
'vicor I'm so..... So sorry '
I herd Yuris voice shake and crying.
' yuri please let me in! I love you yuri I love you! '
And I ment it, I mean it even time I tell him. ( 100 times a day) 
yuri opened the door and let me in crying we both clutched to each other and kissed for the very first time.

' love you yuri' I say to the yuri that's now laying in my arms.
' I love you to Victor '
He smiled,  I'm so proud of how far he has come from those terrible memorys he's opend up to me and let me share his pain and past I will continue to help him in anyway I can, I've recently convinced him to see a councillor or pherapist about his past as I'm the only one who knows,
'we have come such a long way yuri '
I say and smile at him,
'two years vita'
Yuri said sleepy.
'best two years of my life ' I  giggle.
Yuri smiled and kissed me again.
We were just getting in to are kiss when my phone rang,
It was otabek,
' hello! '
'  Victor....sniff....Victor... '
Something is wrong!  I've never herd otabek this upset!  He's crying and his voice sounds dead.
' otabek tell me what's wrong! '
I'm really worred.
' it''s.... Yurio... He got hit by a car...'

2 updates in one day 😊 this chapter focuses on Yuris past and Victor how they met and my babys so much 😍😎xxx vote comment plz

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