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Heyy sorry I haven't updated in a while,  I've been focusing on completing my other yuri on ice fanfics xx

Otabek Pov
I was entering the canteen when I herd screaming from the front of the school grounds.
Loud shouting screaming teachers were rushing to the entrance.
I was inquisitive to what was happening and wanted to see if I could help.
As I made my way outside Chris came running towards me a shocked look in his face.
' otabek!! '
' Chris? '
He looked so scared and shocked.
'what is it Chris? ' I'm really worried now.
' oh my God! Otabek! .... '
' what? What is it!' I'm getting scared now.
' it's...Yurio!.... He's been hit by a vehicle! '
My world stops, everything moves in slow motion, I can't hear anything!  My precious Yurios hurt! Possibly dead! Thats what the screaming was! It must Be!
With this,sudden realisation I run as fast as I can, I push people out of my way I need to get to Yurio! 
Please!  Please let him be alright, I'm outside the school in no time and the scene that's displayed in front of me a crowd of students and staff were surrounding in the street keeping their distance between the car and the broken boy laying in his own blood.
My Hart is in my throat, I rush over to Yurio I lift his body in to my arms his breathing is so shallow and barely noticeable.
I'm shouting I'm so worried, and all everyone else is doing is taking videos or pictures on their phones! 
' HAS IT!' I demand holding Yurio closer he's loosing so much blood!
The head master comes forward, other staff are talking to the driver who is in tears.
'calm down kid an ambulance should be hear in a moment, she's going to be alright ' the head master didn't sound convinced.
' thats no girl! '
Everyones head turned to see JJ emerge from the crowd.
' that sick cross dressing pervert, deserved this!'
Gasps and whispers broke through the crowd.
' that is a fucking boy! He tried to molest me! And trick me! How discusting is that!'
I'm upset enough and now the horrible things JJ is saying makes me want to kill him,  but to do that I'd have to let go of Yurio and I'm not doing that! I hold his limp form closer to my body feeling how cold his skin is I'm trying to give him some of my body heat but it's not working! 
I stare at his beautiful face blood covers half of it,  his eyes are closed and his face looks gentle.
He's so precious to me he can't die!
The past couple months I've gotten to know him I've fallen so deeply in love with him, every little detail and quirk of his I adore.
Stroking his long blonde hair that's splattered with dark crimson blood I tuck it behind his ear and plant a soft kiss on his head.
I hold him closer whispering soft words to comfort him or myself as he's unconscious and bleeding.
Not long after the ambulance arrives I'm in a haze I feel the paramedics pull Yurio from my arms as I try to hold on to him.
The paramedics are taking to me but I can't hear them, I can't hear anything!  Not JJ or the crowd of students nothing everything is in slow motion, as they lay Yurio in the ambulance I climbed in with them not saying a word but they let me come with them.

Once I was at the hospital  Yurio was taken in to immediate surgery.
I was left to wait in the waiting area where a nurse gave me some pills and water saying I was in shock and to take deep breaths.
Once I had calmed down I called Victor, my best friend.
I need to talk to someone,  I need to confirm what just happened!  How it happened.
Yurio wouldn't just walk out in front of a car JJ must have upset him, those things JJ said while Yurio was laying bleeding on the ground something must have happened.
JJ was mentioning about confessing his crush on Yurio,  while unaware he was male.
Victor finally picked up his phone.
'hello? '

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