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Victor Pov
It's been a hole week since Yurio hasn't been in school.
The news of what happened still hot on everyone's lips. No one saw jj as a potential sex offender not even his closest friends!  me being one of them and I feel so guilty like I could have done something anything to have stopped the person I once called a dear friend from trying to hurt Yurio in the way he did.
I twiddle my pen between my long slim fingers.
Me yuri and Chris are in the library trying to get some studying in before our English test, and also to get away from the gossip and continued questions from fellow students about jj and Yurio.
I looked up from my revision to see a tence and distant yuri.
His shiny black hair wasn't as tidy as his usual scruffy but styled hair,  his glasses hiding his chocolate eyes deep in thought.
Yuris been distant since the incident, I can tell it's hard on him as he used to be bullied and sexualy harassed at his old school.
Putting down the pen I reach my hand across the table to hold Yuris.
He snaps out of his trance jumping at first before realising it was me letting his shoulders soften a little.
' you alright my love? '
I'm worried about him I can see the Unhappy memorys haunting him and it's showing through the deep purple bags under his eyes and the sudden Weight loss.
' I'm fine vita' a small sad smile on his pink lips.
' I was thinking about Yurio I hope his alright '
Yuris genuine worry makes me feel so lucky to have a caring and kind boyfriend even though yuri is going through memorys of past trauma he's still more worried about Yurio then himself, God I love this boy so much!
' he's fine yuri.... I think he just needs some time '
I give his hand a little squeeze and a smile.
Otabek approaches our table and takes a seat sitting down with a big sigh.
He's just as worred about Yurio if not more than all of us.
He looked exhausted and a mess, bed hair, crumbed clothes and a light dotting of stubble.
Chris noticing the state our two best friend were in said.
' maybe we should all visit after school to cheer him up? '
' brilliant idea Chris! '
I say happy, with a Hart shaped smile.
' yeah alright ' otabek agrees,
We all nodded and looked forward to seeing Yurio.

Short chapter I thought I'd break it in to two loves 💗❤🌈
Vote and comment plz 😘

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