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Yurio Pov
I'm making my way out of class when I hear JJ coming up behind me shouting my name, I pretend to ignore him but he soon catches up with me.
'yurio... Aaah ' he breaths deeply out of breath.
'for someone on the basket ball team you sure get out of breath quickly '
I say coldly.
' hey... Why wouldn't I run after a pretty girl? '
JJ smirks stupidly, fuck I hate this guy! 
' so..Yurio do you want to have lunch with me?'
' have lunch with you everyday with Victor and otabek and yuri ' I roll my eyes and put my books in my locker.
' we are having lunch somewhere else today! ' JJ said joyfully.
' where!?' I demand not willing to put up with his rubbish.
' I'll show you! ' he gesture for me to follow him.
I sighed loudly and followed.
I really want to see otabek!  The past weeks we have been texting every day, I like him so much!  He's like no one I've ever met before and he doesn't juge me for my gender or past which just makes him all the more perfect!  He's really shy when with friends but when he's with me Like he always walks me home everyday day from school he opens up and becomes witty and funny he always listens to me and remembers the things I say.
'here!' JJ exclaimed as he gesture to a bunch of trees by the edge of the playground, I don't see Victor or yuri Chris or otabek?
'where is everyone? '
' oh...there be along soon'
I sit down angrly,  great I have to put up with this shit head!
I pull out my phone and take a quick selfie for instagram as the lighting here was good,  I add the hashtags and caption while JJ rambled on about some useless garbage.
It was a little cold as the wind blew I pulled my skirt around my legs to keep warm, 
My outfit consisted of a pastel lilac circle skirt and soft swade wedges and a black lacey off the shoulder top I completed the look with  small gold chain and charm bracelets, I left my hair down as it is natural wavy.
' sooo....' JJ asked.
' what?!'
I said not listening to a word he said.
'aah were you listening? '
' no I wasn't!' I snap,  putting my phone in my bag and praying otabek would be here soon.
' so... I've known you for a little while now Yurio and well...I like you'
WHAT!  What did JJ just say!
' What! ' I shouted.
' I like you ' JJ repeated.
I stayed silent trying to understand what he was saying, 
' hey I know it's not the usual thing to have the hottest guy in school confess to you but...Yurio I really like you..there is something special about you' JJ smirks and moves closer so he's sitting right next to me.
Omfg!  What is happening!
' I don't like you JJ! ' I said,  looking him in the eye,  a strange tension was forming and it was making me uncomfortable.
' I think you will like me Yurio.... Just give it time'
JJ put his hand on my thigh and stroked my led chuckling slightly.
Omg what is he doing! 
I pushed JJ hand off my thigh.
' STOP IT! You creep! '
I shouted getting up, JJ grabed my waist and pulled me down.
I'm so scared!  What is he doing! 
' let me go! ' I shout.
' Yurio your so gorgeous '
JJ lays on top of me and started kissing my neck, I'm really scared now, hot tears started forming in my eyes.  I can't push JJ of me because he's to heavy and I'm to small and weak.
JJ puts his hand back on my thigh and makes his way up to my crotch.
' NO! STOP!' I scream, begging someone to save me!
' relax Yurio....I'll take care of you, I know you want me to just.....'
JJ stopped and looks at me puzzled,
He had his hand on my crotch now and was groping slightly at my bulge.
' yurio?'
He looked confused,  I'm still with fear and terror, as he climbs of my chest and pins me down by my hips,  realising what he's about to do I struggle to get up and run away, only for him to push me down again.
JJ pulled my skirt up to see my panties he gasped and pulled them down!  To see my very boy like body parts.
'FUCK!' JJ shouted moving away from me,  I sat up and pulled my pants back up and my skirt down tears running down my face.
I cried loudly grabbing my bag and trying to run away,  but JJ grabed me and hit me in the face.
He hit me again,  I cried out this time released from his grip I ran, I ran towards  the school gates.
I can still hear him shouting and other students looking at me,
Tears blinded me as ran out of the gates sobbing loudly I ran in to the road not seeing the car until it hit me.
The last thing I remember is cold hard tarmac and my tears mixing with blood.

Omfg!!!! Sorry I haven't updated it forever!!  😵 I've had a lotta stuff to deal with :(
I'll try to update more xxxx

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