chapter 2

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                                    moving out..

{Mariahs POV}

My mom wasn't  acting the same as usual I could tell something was wrong , but she never tells me anything. I've been seeing that bills after bills have been piling up.

'' Is everything okay mom.?'' I asked softly.

''Yes... sweetie.. but we can stay here anymore." Tears began to fill my mothers eyes as she looked up at me.

"Mom we've  been working so hard.. we can't leave.."

"We have no choice Mariah." I wiped away the tear on her cheek before it could reach her chin..

After my mom and I had that talk I walked upstairs, sat on my bed and cried until I wouldn't anymore . Then the phone rang. I made my way to the top stair so that I could see her but she couldn't see me.

"BRINGGGG..BRI-." My mom answered in her sweetest voice.


"Hi Melissa.. how are things.?"

"We're fine .." I began to hear my mom cry. Then she broke.

"I don't know what to do... I've been working long hours and we still are in det. I'm such a horrible mother .."

"Yes I  a-..... what.?" she froze and she stopped crying.

"no.. Melissa I can't... I don't want to be a burden."

" Melissa you don't have to do this.... really."

"okay bye.... love you too." I could hear my mom walking up the stairs and I quickly ran to my bed, threw the coves over my head , and began snoring..

I heard my door creak open , and my bed jumped from her plopping down on my bed.

"Mariah......Mariahhhhh." she whispered over my snoring. "wakeee up honey."

I moaned and turned to face her with my eyes cracked open. " yeah mom."

"We have to talk sweetie .. about what we are going to do."

"your aunt Melissa has offered to let us live with her until we get back on our feet.."

"when ." I said in a low  voice.

'' to marrow.''

As she walked out she peeked her head through the edge of the door and said "I knew you weren't sleeping."

"how.?" I said as I got out of bed.

"you don't snore...." she giggled

"crap..." I mumbled


Sorry this chapter isn't long guys cause I was at my granny's and its hard to write when your grandma cooks like a chef.:-) hope you like it ! comment & vote

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