~Time Mends~

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Hey guys, I am so sorry I am so terrible with updating this story but it's just so precious to me and I really don't want to update any chapter that I don't think is good enough haha I've rewritten this chapter like ten different times....I just cannot decide how I want it to go...but I think I've found the direction I plan to take it.

SO! Hold on to your devices (mobile, laptop, tablet...whichever you're reading on lol) because I'm about to take this for a really big loop! I hope you like the idea I finally stuck with and MAYBE if I'm feeling froggy haha I'll upload some of the chapter ideas I had whenever I'm finished with the book??? If you all would want to see how I planned for it to go in different ways?

Okie dokie! I hope you like this chapter even though it is probably a little short haha



Waking up, I stretched groaned slightly and reached above my head for my glasses that set on my shelved headboard. Shifting slowly, I sat up with a yawn while I rubbed my eye then putting my glasses on. The sun filtered through the long hanging blinds in my apartment room, warming the atmosphere however it was a deceiving warmth. Autumn had come already and it was getting colder, yet the warmth still radiated throughout my room especially when I felt a small shift in the mattress. Looking to the side, following the movement I found the back of the body lying beside me. Long hair flowed down the expanse of the pillow, around her back and soft snores were heard as her shoulder rose and fell. I sat there and watched her for a moment, thoughts filling my head, swirling my brain almost maddeningly, yet none of them comprehensible.

Eggs scrambled in the frying pan as I glanced over at the calendar.

"Six years, huh?" I pondered quietly to myself, thoughts finally coming to rest on one solid subject. No matter the length of time, I will always remember. I will feel it as deeply as I felt it that day, that moment.

My thoughts were caught off guard by a sudden weight on my back, snapping me back into reality. "Six years since what, baby?" A soft voice spoke gently into my ear as the body pressed closer to me, arms wrapped around my neck from behind.

Shrugging her off slightly, I shook my head then scraped the eggs off onto the plate beside the stove. "Nothing, Mizuki-kun." I replied casually then sat at the table with my breakfast, "There is an extra plate I prepared for you, I hope you are hungry." My voice clearly sounded distant and thoughtful as I said this, but this is how I've been for a while now, perhaps she won't ask the questions she usual does.

Mizuki was silent for a long moment until she grabbed her plate and sat across from me, a troubled look on her face. Yes...she was going to ask-

"What's bothering you, Rei?" Her tone was so gentle and kind that it nearly caused me to erupt."You get this way a lot. I mean, you have always been quiet and reserved but you've been a lot more distant recently." She spoke calmly and I stood up abruptly without having realized until after I was out of my seat.

I couldn't see her face, nor did I want to, so I kept my head low as I took my plate and dumped it into the sink recklessly, "I'll be home later tonight. Stay safe today." My voice was calm but strained as I grabbed my coat and briefcase, narrowly escaping without having to reply to her.

Sighing in relief as I stood at the front door of our apartment, I felt guilt trailing into my heart but I quickly pushed it away and headed straight to the train.

Six years.

Six long years since I last saw her.

Six years since she told me she didn't want to remember...

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