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                                                           Chapter 10

"I am so, so sorry, Mrs. Dixon. I was just leaving." Mr. Harrison said, getting off of my bed.

"No, no. You can stay. I'm sorry for bargaining in like that, I was just going to ask if you two were hungry. But, Thomas, I think your pants are unbuttoned." My mother said sarcastically.

Mr. Harrison turned bright red; he knew I was the reason for that. "Sorry, ma'am." Mr. Harrison said as he button and zipped up his pants.

"You are fine, she's already pregnant, right? It really can't get worse. Glad the bed is...useful, just make sure Mr. Dixon doesn't walk in." My mother said and winked to me. I mouthed the word 'thank you' to her; she was really cool when she wanted to be. If any other mother had walked in and saw a boy on top of her daughter, with his pants unbuttoned, they'd freak out. I guess my mother was different.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea your mother would come in. It's all my fault. If she had come in just five minutes later, your clothes would have been off! My clothes would have been off, what if we had been having--" Mr. Harrison said.

I put a finger over his lips, "Shhh, its okay. She didn't care. Now, were we right here?" I said, and kissed him lightly. "Or, right here?" I said, reaching down to unzip his pants again.

"I'm not sure...We can be wherever you want to be, I guess. Just, lock the door first. I don’t want to risk your mom or dad coming in." Mr. Harrison said looking at the door, then back at me.

“Pshh, baby.” I told him as I walked over to the door and locked it. “Better?”

“Much.” He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me as close as I could go to him.  He planted his lips on mine and kept them there. “So, when are we going to bed?”

We got back onto the bed, my overalls were half off, and his pants were half way down. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop thinking about Alyson, and how I saw Mr. Harrison doing the same thing to her. I tried to push it out of my mind, I didn't want anything to interrupt this moment I had with him, but everything we did, I felt like he had already done with Alyson.

"Hey, stop. I need to ask you something." I said; my lips still against his.

He pulled away, "What?" He asked me concerned.

"...Do you still have feelings for Alyson?" I asked him, hesitantly.

"Why did you just ask me that?" Mr. Harrison said, annoyed.

"I just--"

"No, listen, I'm sick and tired of you asking about Alyson! She and I broke up three years ago. Get it? Three years. I like you and only you? But clearly that isn't enough." Mr. Harrison lashed out at me, raising him voice.

"I'm sorry I was just--" I tried to talk, but Mr. Harrison interrupted me.

"Rachel, do you really think, I'd be laying here, making out with you, if I liked Alyson?  Would I have let us get this far, if I liked Alyson? I showed you how much I loved and cared about you, but all you care about is if I still liked Alyson. I'm done, Rachel. I'm leaving." Mr. Harrison said, his voice was shaking, it sounded to me as if he was about to cry.

"Can I at least have a kiss?" I asked, my voice was starting to shake as well. I looked him in the eye; they were filled with tears. He blinked, and one tear slid down his cheek slowly.

"No!" He screamed and that's when his tears started coming.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Just, leave me alone. And I'll leave you alone. I'll go back to being just your teacher, it'll kill me. But, I'm done dealing with this." He said, not even bothering to wipe the tears off of his face. He ran out of the room and down the stairs, and he was gone.

I cried myself to sleep that night, why had I asked him about Alyson? I felt so bad, that I made my teacher; the love of my life; a grown man, cry. I slept alone on my big bed, it felt too big. I had pictured me and Mr. Harrison sleeping on this bed, together tonight. I'd have someone to cuddle up to, and someone to keep me warm. Instead, I had nothing.

I woke up at three in the morning, my face was stained with tears and my eyes were red and puffy. I didn't care; I had to go over to Mr. Harrison's house right away. I ran over as fast as I could. I slowly walked into the door and into Mr. Harrison's room.

 I  walked into his room. He was sleeping on top of his covers; he looked like a little boy. I heard gentle sniffles every now and then; he had cried himself to sleep, just like me.

"Mr. Harrison?" I said; my voice cracked. He sat up immediately; it took him a minute to realize what was going on.

He sat up and flashed his red eyes at me. "What are you doing here, Rachel?" He asked.

"I wanted to say, that I was sorry, for everything." I said to him softly. He got up off of his bed and came to stand face-to-face with me.

"Rachel, I'm not mad at you. It just hurt me to think that you don't think I love you. And you don't think I'd do anything for you and my child. It hurts me that you think I still like Alyson. I told you, her and I kissing a few weeks ago, was a mistake. I hate myself for doing that to you. I love you, Rachel Jane Dixon, and I'd do anything to show you that." Mr. Harrison said, his words brought me to tears. "Now, now. Don't cry. You’re going to make me cry again." He said, wiping my tear away, and his eyes filled with tears too.

"That is the sweetest thing you, or anybody else could ever say to me. I'm sorry I brought her up, I shouldn't have. But I'm glad you told me everything." I told him, pulling myself closer to him. "I love you." I said, whispering it to him.

He pulled me closer, so close our lips were almost touching. He looked me in the eyes and said, "I love you too, I'd do anything in the world to show it. I'd love to show you how much I love you, right now. Because this is something that I thought we were going to do earlier, but it's driving me crazy." Mr. Harrison said, his voice getting softer and softer.

"Shh, stop talking. The faster we get in bed, the sooner it will happen." I said, kissing him.

"Thank you, it's about time." Mr. Harrison said jokingly while chuckling. He pulled me in closer to him and we kissed, then slowly over to his bed.

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