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                                                          Chapter 23

"Move in with me." Avery told me later on that night.

"What?" I asked, confused at the question. Just twelve hours or so ago, I had been banned from seeing Avery.

"Move. In. With. Me." He repeated himself.

"Avery, that's a big thing. I'm not technically allowed to hang out with you. How would my parents react to me moving in with you?" I asked him, all of these thoughts were running through my mind.

"Just say you found a place of your own."

"I don't know if that's a good idea." I told him, getting off of my bed.

"C'mon, Ray! Please? It'll be fun. Anyways, it'll get you away from your parents for awhile." Avery told me, giving me his puppy eyes.

"What about Jayden? I can't just dump her on my parents; she's my child, not theirs."

"Jayden can come, too." Avery said without hesitation.


"Well? What?" Avery asked me.

"Well, okay. We'll come live with you. I have to figure out what to tell my parents. So I'll talk to you later."

"Yay! I'll see you later. Bye, Rachel." Avery said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, and sneaking out the door, being careful not to wake anyone up.

I went into the downstairs bathroom. I told my parents that I had to tell them something important, and it couldn't wait. I made sure I looked professional, asking them if I could move out is a huge deal, and I didn't expect them to take it well. I moved a piece of my hair behind my ear, and clipped my bangs back out of my eyes. I needed them to see the seriousness in my face.

"So, Rachel, you needed to talk to us. How about you tell us what's on your mind." My father started the conversation.

"Well, I'll cut to the chase. I want to move out-- with Jayden. Now, don't worry, we have a place to stay. I don't need any money from either of you. As a legal adult and parent, I feel that I am responsible enough to manage my own household. Do you both agree?" I said, sounding as much as an adult as I could.

"Where did this come from, honey?" My mother asked me.

"I think that since I have a child, I shouldn't be living with my parents. It's time for me and my daughter to settle down together."

"Rachel, you're a little young. Why don't you give it another year or so? You should make sure this is something you really want to do." My mother told me, giving her 'word of wisdom'.

"This is something I want to do. It's for the best interest of me and Jayden." I said, looking them both in the eye.

Nancy, I think we should let her go. She is an adult, and I think she needs to have the responsibility of caring for her and Jayden. We won't be around for her forever, you know." For once, my father agreed with me.

"Well, if you think so, then yes, Rachel. You can move out. I would like weekly updates, though." My mother said, still sitting.

"I will. You can trust me, mom. I'll behave myself." I told them, I tried to mean what I said.

"Okay, honey. We wish you the best." My mother said, she looked like she was about to break down crying.

 got Jayden dressed and ready to go. I packed for us both, enough for a few nights. I didn't want to get everything ready in case something didn't work out.

"We r getting ready to leave. R u ready for us?" I texted Avery.

"Yes. Come over. Bring some of Jayden's toys; I have a few, but not many." Avery texted back in record time.

Jayden and I arrived at Avery's house at about seven-thirty that night. I walked in to see the television on, and toys spread along the all of the living room.

"Here, come see Jayden's room," Avery said, leading us into a room where I had never been. In the room, the walls were painted a light blue, and there was a portable crib on the far wall, and a treasure chest toy box on the other side.

"It's fine, for now." I told him, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I'm going to put her to bed. I'll see you in a minute."

Age Is Just A Number !!! (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now