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                                                           Chapter 11

hat a few days later, Mr. Harrison and I walked downstairs, he started staying here.

"What's wrong?" He asked me as I put my hand over my stomach.

"I'm not sure. Jayden hasn't been kicking. It's usually active all of the time. But, for the past few days, Jayden hasn't moved."

"Well, you might want to tell your mother. I don't want anything to happen."

"You're probably right. Hey, Mom?" I yelled up stairs to my mom. "Can you come here?"

"What's wrong?" My mother asked me in a panic.

"Jayden hasn't moved since much in the last few days. I'm not sure what's wrong."

"Well, that's odd." My mother said as she put her hand on my stomach. "Jayden? Come on, Baby. Kick for Granna."


"It's not kicking. We might want to go ahead to the hospital. It could be something serious." My mother said as she started out to the car.

We got to the hospital, my mother; the doctor and Mr. Harrison were all there with me. "Yes, this could be a problem. The baby isn't getting enough oxygen. We need to induce labor right away. This could be fatal to the baby." The doctor said calmly.

"But, it's seven weeks before my due date!" I yelled, I was scared for my little Jayden.

"I know, Sweetie, I know. But we need to do this. Now." The doctor said as she walked out of the room to go and get medicine.

I grabbed Mr. Harrison's hand, "Are you going to stay?"

"Of course, I wouldn't leave you." He told me, squeezing my hand back.

My contractions started up, and I was in labor. It was the most painful experience of my life. I cried and cried and tried to get through the contractions, but nothing I did work.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Harrison walked over to me and knelt down beside me.

"You're going to be okay. Mommy is here for you, you have Thomas and me here." My mother said hugging me after Thomas had let me go.

"They hurt so badly." I said starting to tear up again.

After the contraction passed, I realized that I hadn't told Julia yet. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.


"Julia? Guess what?"

"What?" She asked excitedly.

I'm in labor..." I told her slowly.

"Oh, Rachel! I'm so proud of you! Call me as soon as Jayden is born! Good luck, baby doll!" She said as she hung up the phone.

I walked over to the baby bed in the corner, "Come on, Jayden. Mommy wants to meet you." I said, rubbing my stomach. It felt weird calling myself ‘Mommy’, I liked the sound of it. I was dying to know if Jayden was a boy or girl.

"Oww. Oh my gosh. Owwwww." I started to scream.

"What? What's wrong?" Mr. Harrison started to panic.

"Jayden wants out." I whined.

Everyone gathered around me.

"Push, Rachel. You can do it!" The doctor coached me.

"Let's go, Baby." Mr. Harrison said.

"Rachel! Woah! Good push! I see the head!" My mother said.

"Congratulations, Rachel, Jayden is here!" The doctor said.

"Congratulations, Miss. Dixon, you gave birth to a baby girl." The doctor said showing me my baby. I looked at Jayden; she had just come out of me. She was so tiny and looked so fragile. She was seven weeks early.  “She only weighs three pounds and she’s having some trouble breathing, so we will have to hook her up to oxygen. She should be okay, though.” The doctor told me.

"She's perfect." I said, examining my baby girl, Jayden.

I walked over to Jayden's bed. She looked so little, I couldn't hold her yet. She was just so small. Tears formed in my eyes, and Mr. Harrison came and put his arm around me and pulled me close.

"She's perfect. She'll be okay." He comforted me.

"Thomas, she can't breathe! What if..." All of these thoughts ran through my head, a tear ran down the side of my cheek.

"No, don't say it. She will be fine."

He pulled me into a kiss. "You did great. I think Jayden is beautiful, just like her mother. I love you, Rachel." Mr. Harrison said to me, his voice shaky, I watched as a small tear came out of the corner of his eye.

"I love you too, Thomas." I said tearing up as well. I just thought about the beautiful baby girl I had just given birth to. I wished the best for her, a great education, a great life, and everything else. The greatest worry I had at that moment was losing her, for prematurity to win the fight.

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