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Guys.. Don’t kill me >< Comment/Vote.

Kristine had just left the room minutes ago, and before it all sank in, both my phone and Johns phone vibrated. Which meant that there was a new message.I hurriedly digged into my pocket, grabbing my phone and unlocking it. My hands shaking in fear. On the phone there were words i was hoping there wouldn’t be.

Kristine Sears.

This shouldn’t. This couldn’t be happening.

My heart was pounding furiously as i clicked onto the message, waiting for the video to load.

After a few moments, the video had finished loading. And it began to play.

All i could see was myself kissing John. Passionately.

I just stood there in shock as the video finished. The tears were going to fall any minute.

I turned to face John, as the tear fell from my eye. Falling onto the table.

John was just staring at his phone, in shock. His gaze unblinking.

He had just watched the video that Kristine recorded.

"John" I spoke as my voice quivered.

We need to think of a way to fix our situation. What were we thinking with a secret relationship. We were just being stupid.

"John" I spoke louder, trying to get his attention.

He then looked up at me. A weird expression on his face. Then he looked to the ground and shook his head. He then headed for the door. Walking out.

"John!" I continued. "What are you doing?"

He just swiftly turned around. "Seriously. What do you think im fucking doing?" He screamed.

I just stood there in even more shock.

"We need to fix this shit up." John again shouted.

"Well i obviously know that John. We messed up." I screamed back.

"Its out for the whole school to see. The whole school." He shouted.

Well no fucking shit.

'Im sorry. I didn’t mean to scream.. Im just scared okay? I’m scared. There’s no way to fix this."

"I know. Okay. I’m in that state too." I half whispered.

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