Chapter 4 (Scavenger): The Secret's in the Water

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It's been a great day: did some gymnastics, got a doctor's check up, and now cardio. I think it's so good I'll do it all again tomorrow. Tyler still has one good arm right?

I know sprinting through the middle of the woods doesn't seem like the best idea, but I've spent most of my life in these woods. I've always felt more comfortable in seclusion. Maybe it's because I escape the constant stares of the townsfolk, I thought to myself.

Scarlett calls me Scavenger because I'm always in here. She thinks that I'm in here looking for someone or something.

Scarlett screamed, "Scavenger!" just in time for me to smack my head against a tree I'd failed to notice.

The hit took me off of my feet and Scarlett couldn't help but laugh.

"Even under the greatest of pressure you still manage to be the most clumsy person I know," she said, but her mouth didn't move.

It seemed like the words just floated into my mind. It was happening a lot when the paramedics were giving me a check up. I could hear the thoughts of all the people around me. At first it was all jumbled together; it was almost too hard to understand, but anyone can pick out freak and monster.

Out of all the chaos I heard Scarlett's voice. Just knowing she was more worried about me than Tyler made me feel important.

She helped me up to my feet with a half smile.

"Why did you run off like that?" she asked.

"I don't know. It's hard to explain, but... I think I read my dad's mind."

"Ok, how hard did you hit your head?"

"I'm being serious. When he let Atom walk by he looked at me and I swear I heard his voice say, 'I know you can hear me. Run Freddy.'"

"Ok sit down and rest. You're having delusions."

"Maybe you're right, maybe I'm just having delusions. You know, from extreme stress."

She put my arm around her shoulders and helped me to a fallen log. We sat down and the massive green trees seemed endless. I had no idea how long we had been running, but I knew this place looked familiar. Most of the trees around us were either knocked down, tilted over, or about to fall over. The meteors must have destroyed this place.

A small pond took up most of the area and the trees all seemed to be falling away from it. I was feeling drawn to the pond. It felt as if someone had put an invisible rope around me and was pulling me in.

I got up and started walking towards the lake; with every step I could feel my blood getting warmer. The headache from greeting the tree with my forehead faded. Whatever this place was, it was changed by the meteors.

I walked to the edge of the pond and put one foot in. Suddenly, a surge of power hit me. Every nerve in my body felt perfect; everyone of them felt healed. My legs forgot the exhaustion from the long sprint I had dragged Scarlett through. Oh crap, Scarlett. I spun around to see her right behind me with her arm extended.

"I've been yelling your name for about ten minutes. What are you doing out there?"

"I've been in here for ten minutes?"

"Yes, Scavenger. You got up from the log and walked into the dirty pond and stood here looking down for ten minutes. I think you hit your head really hard and might be hallucinating."

"No, I'm not even in pain. I feel better than I've ever felt. I feel awesome. I could run a marathon and never stop."

"Please, you use your treadmill to hang up clothes," she said, rolling her eyes and smiling.

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