Chapter 5 (Scarlett): Weapons of Mass Destruction

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I woke up in my bed and thought I dreamt the whole thing. When I opened my eyes, I was very surprised when the setting wasn't some pond with a bunch of buff dudes with guns.

Would've been nice if this whole day could have just been a dream.

I don't know how Scavenger got us back here without anyone noticing.

I tried to get out of bed, but when I put pressure on my arm I remembered I was shot. My heart sank.

What if it wasn't Scavenger that brought me home? What if it was one of the Solases team and they hurt or killed Scavenger? They might be outside that door right now.

I got up and crept over to behind the door with a lamp clutched in my hand.

The door opened and I swung my weapon of mass destruction, crushing it on the head of my capturer. The body hit the floor with a loud thud followed by the crashing of a tray filled with breakfast foods.

"SCAVENGER?!" I shouted as I realized I just killed my best friend.

I heard loud footsteps come from down the hall. Scavenger ran into the room, "Scarlett, you're awake," he said with the biggest smile on his face.

"There's... um... two of you. Did you find a long lost twin while I was passed out?"

He explained to me his deadly adventure and how he created a clone out of his own blood. He told me that he has super powers that he has no idea how to use and that Atom somehow knows about it too. He finished his story and I climbed back into bed.

"Um... what are you doing?"

"Clearly this is some weird dream and I'm trying to wake up back in the real world."

"Um, Scarlett this is the real world."

"No! Real world people don't have super powers. They have acne and relationship problems."

"Well in dreams you don't feel pain."

I punched my bullet wound and fell to the ground due to pain. Well, almost. Scavenger teleported to catch me.

"Why did you do that?"

"To see if I felt pain."

"I meant pinch yourself. Not punch yourself in your bullet wound."

He layed me down on the bed, "You're very lucky. The doctor said that if the bullet had been an inch to the left you would be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. I can't believe they actually shot you. I made them pay for what they did by the way."

"I can't believe you took on six guys all by yourself."

"I should've stopped them from hurting you," he said as he looked down with tears in his eyes.

"Scavenger, they would have killed us both if you didn't stop them."

"Except Atom knows something about me and so does my dad. They can probably tell me more about who I actually am."

"Atom will never let you get close to him. Especially not after the incident in the woods."

"I know. I've been testing my abilities but without that water they aren't as powerful and only work with an extreme amount of concentration. I was only able to control them when I was angry or standing in that pond water."

"What about teleportation?"

"It only works with places I've been." 

"So you're saying it's worthless to get to Atom," I huffed.

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