Chapter 7 (Scavenger): A Deal with no Clear Winner

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I sprinted out of what was left of the children's ward. I had to cross the cafeteria to get to where Atom had taken Scarlett. Unfortunately, this meant sprinting across a giant glass window room.On the other side lay an army's worth of men.

I'm sure they would love to see their target be in such a vulnerable place.

I could teleport but my body felt drained after throwing sixty men into a bloody firework. I reached a pillar just before the cafeteria and front entrance. A few trucks had pulled up, each carrying around forty soldiers each.

I'm sure Atom called in plenty more after what happened in the children's ward.

I had no other option, but sprinting to the urgent care portion of the hospital. I had to get there before more reinforcements arrive. I took one step out from behind the pillar and heard a bullet ricochet off of the ground in front of me. I ducked behind the corner as the firing began.

The glass shattered and the room was covered in gun fire. These were not the same type of soldiers from before; they were just regular roid freaks. Atom only hires the best soldiers, but the worst humans that our kind has to offer.

The pillar began to degrade from the gun fire. I began to worry, but the gun fire stopped.

There was silence for thirty seconds when the intercom made a beep,beep,beep and played a little jingle before Atom's voice called out, "Come on boy. I don't have all day. My men won't shoot at you anymore. Just get over here so we"

I wasn't sure if I could trust the man who has spent all day trying to kill me. I stuck my foot out and nothing happened. I followed with my legs, then torso, and then everything else.

I looked out the window to see a line of men filling every space that the parking lot could hold; around two hundred men stood outside. I was halfway to the door when I noticed the red dots all over my body.

They had their guns fixed on me and their little red light followed me the entire time I walked. I reached the door and opened it. I walked in and checked for traps.

The receptionist in green overalls smiled at me and said, "Hi, my name is Cathy. How can I help you on this beautiful day?"

I didn't know how she could be so calm after hearing the amount of gun fire that's been going on.

"Um, douche bag with a girl and a weird glowing gun? Which way did he go?" I asked.

"Oh, Mr.Atom is just down that hallway in the room with the red door," she said with a smile.

I looked at the hallway she pointed at. It was tight, barely big enough to fit a wheelchair. The hospital was old and not even the constant renovations Atom added to the place could hide it's obvious age.

The wood floors were new, but the walls and ceiling were still the original. I never understood why only the floors were replaced.

Maybe Atom loves to see run down dirty walls and cracked ceiling tiles.

The red door was at the end of the skinny hallway. There were four doors before the red door and each one had it's own color:blue, black, yellow, and green.

I was half way down the hallway when I heard Tyler screaming bloody murder. I sprinted to the door and kicked it open. The bang from the door was louder than I expected.

I looked around and saw my dad sitting in a chair looking at me with the most helpless eyes. His face was grim and filled with defeat. Scarlett sat next to him; her eyes were red and her cheeks shiny from the tears. Both of the chairs were pulled up close to the hospital bed.

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