Chapter 12 (Scarlett): The Devil in the Wind

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After I had stormed out of my own house, where Tyler does not live, I realized that I was still in my pajamas. I was lucky I put my slipper boots on before I left the bedroom.

The frigid cold wind bit at my cheeks and left me feeling cold and empty on the inside and outside. I was too stubborn to go back and face Tyler again.

I marched across the town to Applegate Cemetery. Every year I walk into this place expecting the grave to be gone like he had come back from the dead and ripped his way out to the surface, but every year my wish never comes true. Every year I walk in with false hope and only receive deceit.

Shows me to believe in a world that's extraordinary.

I remembered the girl from town square and her pet bunny; I was still not sure if it was a dream or real act of impossible, however, either way it gave me a little sliver of hope. A glimmer in a sea of darkness.

After entering the palace of the dead you have to sign in on a log book with the groundskeeper, Nord.

Nord was an extremely old man. His hair, what little he had left, was grey and stringy, giving him the mad scientist look. His gray and green jumpsuit sagged less than the skin on his neck and cheeks.

His appearance had led him to be mistaken as a zombie, so much so that kids would dare each other and see who would get closest to him. No matter the stories, he was easily the sweetest person I had ever met.

I walked up to his window and rang the bell. He hobbled out from the back

"Hello, Scarlett," he exclaimed cheerfully, but his face fell as if he remembered where we were and why I was here.

"I'm so sorry to see you again," he paused scanning my appearance, "You younglings are so crazy with your fashion choices. Going for looks more than if it keeps you warm. You're going to catch a cold! Come here and take my coat."

He unzipped a fluffy black winter coat and shakily handed it to me.

"Thank you, Nord, but I think you need it more than me. You are a little older. You know how dangerous it can be for you to get sick."

"Hosh posh. I'll be fine. I fought in the great war you know," he said, trying to flex his twigs.

"Which war was that again?" I asked.

He looked at me and gestured for me to get closer, "The cold war" he whispered, barely holding back his laughter.

It was hard to not to smile at his joke. Because of its extreme silliness, he cheered me up just a little bit. It reminded me of the dumb jokes Scavenger used to tell me.

"You should really get in there Scarlett. The sheriff is already here and he brought a guest this time. I think they are waiting up there for you. Come on, I'll walk you up."

I signed my name into the log and held onto Nord's arm as we walked together to Scavenger's grave.

Nord's shaky legs always felt like he was about to topple over at any second, so it was always a little iffy when we had to walk up the hill. We reached the top by the tip of a Nord hair.

I saw Sheriff Sims kneeling by the headstone. This year he brought a woman dressed in all black with a lace veil covering her face.

Nord stopped for a second to catch his breath and I walked up to my waiting co-riders of this emotional rollercoaster.

"Hi, Scarlett."

He still wore his sheriff uniform and it saddened me. Lucas Sims was let go from the department after he was considered emotionally unstable due to the loss of his son.

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