Chapter 27 (Archy): The Birth of Earth's Sentinel

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I was rudely awakened by a series of abusive pebbles that were freed from the tight grasp of the rocky roof. They exploded into dust on my bloody mouth.

Once again, the wounds on my face had reopened and cried cardinal tears. A mixture of mud and blood filled my mouth with a bitter aftertaste while the cave shook with echoes of grunts and the melody of a wooden shield being beat like a drum.

I sat up feeling a nagging pain in places where it hadn't been before I was sent through a child sized crack in the wall. I looked at the hole and it wasn't child sized anymore: a whole school bus could fit through the thing. I was lucky my armor withstood the impact, or at least what was left of it that survived the crash.

I was missing more pieces than what I had left leaving me with a nice pair of protective boots, elbow pads and half a pair of shoulder pads. Where there was no suit, my underarmor was left naked to the world. My cargo shorts and brown T-shirt were torn up and covered in dirt. Bits of my back felt damp and stung with every movement.

A sudden crash in the other room made me forget the pain for a moment.

Scarlett must have gotten free, I thought.

My legs were noodles and filled with jelly as I pulled myself to the wall of the room's entrance. My heart stopped when I saw him: the Child Warrior was limp and inert, floating in a puddle of his own blood.

Scarlett was stuck in a pit of concrete, screaming bloody murder. Ore was about to crush Clark's tiny skull, but a lazer light show saved the day. I watched as his foot slammed down, only to be blinded by a rainbow of light.

I rubbed the splotches out to see little Clark finally finding his abilities. A veil of light protected him from Ore's blood-soaked, golden shoes and a grin painfully spread itself across my cheeks.

"They can't ever make fun of you again," I said quietly aloud, hoping he could hear me.

Ore, frustrated and confused, slammed his boot down repeatedly, trying to correct his error. Clark's eyes shot open with flashing lights like a strobe light, then a second blast of light reclaimed my eye sight.

Ore bellowed with rage at his prey's new found abilities. When my vision refocused, four Clark's stood in a square formation around Ore.

One had glowing crimson eyes and was shielded by a flame cloak, burning away like the end of a torch.

Another had a waterfall falling perfectly around him, enclosing him with his deep blue eyes.

The third floated in a white aura, safeguarded by visible white lines spiraling as they blew by; his eyes glittered pearl white.

The final one was encased in a stone with moss forming over the edges, his eyes matching in illuminant color.

All four were covered head to toe in their elemental armor, like friendly versions of the monster they intended to defeat.

Ore's countenance reflected his loss of power over the child: his shadow face sulked into a deep angry pout.

Scarlett had a much different reaction, showing a mixture of happiness, confusion, and a bit of sadness. Her tears still twinkled when the light bounced off of them. I ran to her with the plan of setting her free, however, my run was more of a wobble to stay in a straight line. I lost my footing and slid on my face to where she was imprisoned.

"Are you okay? That looked painful," she distressed, giving me the same look my mom gave me whenever I would get a cut.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a little woozy from smashing into a wall head first. It surprisingly hurts like hell. How's the quick sand?" I answered, pushing myself back up to my feet.

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