Chapter 24 (Elly): When the Thunder Strikes

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My eyes partially opened to the gaping smile of Velicity who was sitting next to me, rubbing her hands together, forming little sparks of static electricity.

"Clear!" she screamed, slamming her hands flat on my chest.

I felt a rush of energy as my body began to reboot. The electricity felt warm as it swam through my blood to my heart. I loved the feeling; it made me perceive the comfortableness and normality that I lose when my body is deprived of electricity. The shock shot me upright and gasping for air.

"Time for school already?" I muttered sarcastically.

Velicity smiled like the little dove she was.

"You passed out on the way to school," she laughed, fixing a stray hair that had fallen out of the bun I didn't remember making.

She had put my hair into a tight perfect bun and my bright yellow armor was sparkling in the sun like it was freshly polished.

"Did you?"

"Sorry," she apologized after noticing my complexion, "I couldn't help myself. You must understand that I can't control it. When I see something is out of place I have to fix it and your hair was all frizzled and your armour had little scuffs and dirt on it."

She scratched her pixie cut gently from side to side. I rolled my eyes and sat up looking out the open hatch at a bright blue sky with coal black clouds conspiring in the background. The ramp was planted firmly on the green grass of a peak that dropped into a never ending pit.

"We are landed? Where is Archy and Scarlett? And why is there not a five year old warrior running around poking me with his wooden sword?" I demanded.

She bit her lip and tried to avoid my eyes. I thought that I had dreamt the tale, but my world is filled with disappointment.

"Are they dead?" I asked, trying to keep my anxiety in my stomach, and not in my back.

She opened her mouth and then quickly closed it, rethinking her answer, "We don't know. Mother didn't think it was best for us to stop and check on them. She recommended strongly that... well... getting power for the city was more important than jumping out after our friends."

I tried to hold back my anger. I knew it wasn't Woodrow's or Velicity's fault that we abandoned our siblings and the girl we just rescued, the onewho brought me back to life.

Yeah, we Atom's really know how to show our gratitude, I thought to myself, feeling sick to the idea of being branded an Atom.

"Do we at least know where they are? Or if they are even safe? God Clark is just a child!" I yelled.

She bit her lip again, twiddling her fingers at light speed to the point where her fingers looked like a fan going full speed. Her face had a sense of contemplation that gave up their answer before they even said it.


"Don't know," I assumed.

"Yes. I'm sorry. Please don't be mad," she answered, finally meeting my eyes.

"How are you not mad?" I glared.

"Because Mother told me not to be," she explained with an awkward kid like smile.

I felt the rage bellowing in me and I knew there would be two lightning storms if I didn't get some fresh air. I arose from the metal floor and stormed off down the ramp.

"Oh, Mother? I need to speak with you. OBSVR? Anyone? Who do I need to chew out for leaving my brothers somewhere?" I spoke on the telecom, hoping it would come off sarcastically and vengeful.

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