Chapter 11 (Scarlett): Plates of Destiny

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My dreams were filled with the colorful images of the previous night. The destruction of the town square, the electrified girl in yellow armor, and of course Tiny, the gigantic bunny rabbit. It was all preferable compared to the nightmare that followed.

The girl faded into darkness; the town square morphed into a shadowy underground tunnel. It was lit only by a candle that I clinged to with all of my strength.

There were screams further down the hall and being a good samaritan, I decided it would be a good idea to sprint into the unknown. The screams grew louder and more gruesome with every step in the vast chasm.

The walls seemed to have had a heavy dosage of Slim Fast because they shrunk, making it only large enough for me to shimmy down the hall.

The candle light grew dimmer from the awkward position I held it at. Eventually, I saw a small red tinted light at the opening of the chasm into the next room, yet the chasm still shrunk smaller and smaller.

When I was about fifteen feet away from the exit, my candle freed itself from my grasp. The second it hit the ground, the cave exploded. I was thrown through the exit, but it was not a cave that appeared in my blurred vision, but a perfectly blue sky.

I realized I was laying on a picnic blanket that was similar to the one Scavenger and I would use to cloud watch.

I looked around the immediate area, searching for any possible adversaries in the trees or near the picnic blanket. Believing this was an ordinary dream and not a nightmare, I let my guard down.

I laid down, staring at the floating white giants above, and started thinking about how much Scavenger would make me laugh while we stared into the sky.

The thought must've triggered my inner problems because the sky began to darken with smoke like rain clouds.

The heavens began to rain blood as the sky turned pitch black. I thought it was just the clouds growing heavier, but when I glanced at the town, I saw it was on fire.

Atom's giant tower had fallen on its side, crushing most of the residential houses. The school was cut in half between fire spreading it's deadly ambers on one side and an ice blizzard destroying the other side.

The town square was completely obliterated; the only thing left was the crater where it once stood.

The rain had flooded the streets with blood. Two more buildings lifted from their foundation and flew across town, crashing into a part of Atom's knocked over tower.

Lasers and rockets fired from one side of town onto the other. A figure wearing similar armor to the electric girl sprinted across town towards the knocked over tower.

This one's armor was black and it was much taller and more muscular than the short girl that saved me.

Bullets and rockets followed him and crashed into the destroyed tower where the figure also crashed through to the other side. A rocket flew out of it's casing and started to cruise towards me.

My legs refused to move; I was completely stuck in place. The tip was a matter of inches away from me when I dropped into the next dream.

It felt real, but I don't remember ghosts being able to talk.

I shot up from my bed in a cold sweat to see Scavenger waiting beside me. He grabbed my hand and scooted closer to my bed.

He gave me a hug and said, "Everything is ok. I'm here to help. Just relax."

He smiled at me and I fell back down before I could say another word.

The dreams seized when I shot out of bed again, thinking my best friend was waiting for me with his support. Instead I got Tyler who was patiently waiting for me to wake up so he could serve his famous breakfast in bed.

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