Our Last Christmas

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Months has passed since I first refused treatment, I still am. Shinra tried to convince me that I need it, everyone did... Even Namie tried, I wouldn't change my mind. Throughout I've been getting more and more sick.... it's slowly breaking Shizu-chan to see me like this, he still begs me to try treatment and I still refuse. But today is a day everyone is supposed to love... Christmas...

"Merry Christmas Iza..."
He handed me a small box and smiled, I looked up at him then down at the box, I took it from him and opened it. A small golden ring glistened under the Christmas lights, my eyes widened and I looked up at Shizu-chan
"Is.... Is this..." I smiled the biggest smile my mouth could stretch. I jumped out of my seat and hugged Shizu-chan, he stumbled but regained his balance and held onto me
"Woah! Careful... I take it you like it then?" He laughed, I pulled back and smiled at him, I couldn't stop smiling.
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you Shizu! I love you!"
He smiled back
"I love you too. Also I have a matching one, but look, I have our Initials engraved on them."
He held his hand up and shown me, he was already wearing his. I looked at it closer and my initials were engraved onto his ring, I quickly looked at the one I was given. Shizu-chans initials were engraved on that one.
"Wait! We have each others?!"
He laughed again "yes Iza... They're not  engagement rings but promise rings..." he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I continued to smile, I took my ring out the box and put it on.

Shizuos POV
I laid on the sofa with Izaya on my chest. His hand in the air as he stared at the shining gold ring on his finger.
He turned around and looked at me, his red ruby eyes were shining bright with pure happiness. This was the first time, in a long time, I've seen him happy. His eyes were no longer dull and his face wasn't pale with dark circles under his eyes.
"Yes~" He sang but then yawned and rubbed his eyes "mmm I'm getting tired..." he laid his head down onto my chest. I continued to smile and stroked his head.
"Sleep." He smiled then slowly fell asleep.

I soon woke, there wasn't the usual heavy feeling on my chest, I opened my eyes, sat up and stretched. Looking around the room Izaya was no where in sight.
"Izaya?" I waited but no response, I stood and went into the kitchen. He wasn't there either so I started to walk around the apartment, I then heard quiet noises coming from the bathroom. I go over and the door is cracked open. I push it open fully to see Izaya leaning over the toilet throwing up, he soon stops and wipes his mouth.
"Izaya...." he jumps, turns his head to look at me. His happiness from earlier had already faded.... his eyes were glossed with tears and were dull, his face pale and dark rings under his eyes.

Izayas POV
Shizu-chan stared at me, sympathy and guilt filled his eyes but his face remained relaxed and un-moved. I looked away from him and shook my head
"D- don't..... Don't look at me like that...."
".... Like what?..." he responded, his voice quivered but he tried to hide it.
"....... that look..... everyone gives me that same look...... I hate it...." I looked at Shizu-chan, his eyes were wide, the guilt and sympathy gone. Only to be replaced with hurt and anger
"Izaya..." He pauses then sighs "actually don't worry about it... do you want help back to your bed?"
I stood, my legs felt like jelly and my head weighed a ton. I stumbled past Shizu-chan and towards my bedroom
"I'm fine. I can walk on my own..." he stood in the same place and watched me stumble down the hall and to my room. Once inside I stumbled and fell into my bed, curled up and covered myself so I didn't have to see or hear Shizu-chan's apologies. I soon heard his footsteps and the front door open and close, the apartment was quiet and still. I eventually drifted into a deep sleep that I'll hopefully awake from.


This chapter is a lil late! Sorry! It's longer than the last to make up for how short it was.... I had writers block, hence the lateness! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! See you in the next xP

Thanks for reading! ʕᵔᴥᵔʔ

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