Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Harry's POV

I can barely hear the soft raindrops fall down from the sky and hit my window, since the loud music was blaring to tune out my parents' constant fighting. It's weird, actually. It wasn't always like this. Ever since Dad left, Mum lost it. She lost control. over the situation and of me. She lost everything, really. I don't even remember the last real conversation that I had with her; a conversation that I actually wanted to be in. I wasn't good about talking about my feelings and things like that. Why should I be? Does anyone truly care? No, they don't. Because if they did, they would know how I don't even like partying or drinking. They would know it's all an act. When Robin came into the picture, it all went downhill. My family was torn apart and we couldn't even pay the bills. I lost my family because of him. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It just wasn't. And there is nothing more that I could do. 

I let out a soft sigh, fluttering my eyes open to stare up at the ceiling. Everyone always asks me what I am thinking. Truth is, I'm not thinking about anything. It's about who I'm thinking of that is important.  Louis Tomlinson. The boy who runs the other way when I walk down the halls of our school, the boy who trembles in fear whenever I speak or threaten him, the boy who… I have feelings for. 

I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my jaw tight of the thought of him. He is just so perfect. Perfect is an overrated word, but it seems to fit him. Why did he have to so perfect? I wish I didn't treat him the way that I do. No one deserves that. Just because he's a little a different. I hate how it works; if you're not an oblivious, idiotic teen just like everyone else, you're automatically known as a target. I am a hypocrite, though. I spent a good portion of my life trying to be popular, trying to be known and feared by people. It gave me some sort of power. A situation that I could control. Of course I didn't like it, but my popularity was the only thing I had. Control was all I wanted. Hell, I can't even control myself and my thoughts.

Louis and his family has been my neighbor for quite a long time. I try my best not to look out my window, since our windows were basically right in front of each other. I knew that he could hear my loud music blasted up at an obnoxious volume, I knew that he could see the frown that was always evident on my face whenever I was home, and I knew that he had the ability to tell everyone where I lived and what a shitty place it is. He never did. And the reason why is something I never will understand. 

Thing is, I didn't know why he took my abuse. I just didn't understand it. He's a senior, he could easily make me look like a fool. But he never did. I don't even know why I treated him the way i did. I guess it was my pushing him out of my mind. I didn't want to like him. I can't have feelings for…someone like him. Even though there was nothing wrong with him. I groaned quietly with all of these confusing and frustrating thoughts running through my head. I was just sick of this. I ran my fingers through my dark curls, tugging on them gently as the fighting continued, progressively getting worse by the minute. 

I hear a loud banging noise downstairs and I quickly shot up from my small bed, running out of my bedroom as I started to think the worst case scenario. I needed to make sure my Mum was okay. Robin wouldn't hurt her, but who knew what he was capable of? We're all a little self-destructive, aren't we? I made my way down the stairs and into the small, crowded living room, only to see my mom and Robin glaring at each other as a broken vase was on the hardwood floor, the shards of glass scattered around. Thanks to Mum. "Is everything alright?" I breathe out, sighing in relief. Mum just nods her head, her eyes focused on my step-dad. "Yes, everything is fine, love." She answers quietly, her soft voice was now cold and hoarse from the yelling. 

I just nod slowly, not wanting details on what they were fighting about or anything. Probably about money again. I cross my arms over my chest, leaning back on the wall as my parents both took their seats on the uncomfortable, lumpy couch, being on the opposite ends. I shut my eyes for a moment, thinking about Louis. I bet everything for him was so much easier for him at home. Of course it is. Rich people always have it easy, don't they? I quickly opened my eyes, an idea popping into my head. A small smirk plays across my lips as I push myself off of the wall. "Hey Mum, why don't we have dinner over at the Tomlinsons?" I ask softly, arching my eyebrow up at my mother. 

"You mean that spoiled family? Why? I thought you hated them more than we did." She retorts, huffing quietly. 

"Maybe we should make peace or some shit, I don't know." I answer. 

"Language, Harry." She mutters, knowing that I probably wouldn't listen to her. 

"Sorry. Please? Look, it's not like you have many friends around in this neighborhood. Maybe you'll like each other." 

"Doubt it." 

"Mum. Please? For me?" I ask quietly, giving her a pleading look.

Mum stays quiet for a moment, then stands up from her position on the couch. "Alright, I'll ask if we can have dinner over at their house. I really don't think this is a good idea." She says, brushing past me as she makes her way into the kitchen to the phone. I give her a grateful smile as I follow behind her, watching her intently as she picks up the phone and dials their number, a slight frown on her face. It didn't matter if Robin and her didn't want to go. I didn't care about that at all. I'd get to see him. I look down at the ground, my arms still crossed and that same cocky smirk still plastered on my face as my mum begins to speak. Tonight should be interesting.

Note: Hii guys, it's me. The second author. Haha. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! We are really working hard, so please bear with us if it isn't the greatest. Trust me, there are a lot more surprises. Hehe. So yeah, thank youuu if you read this and we will back soon with a new chapter. Love youuu. 

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