Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Harry's POV

Raising an eyebrow at Louis, I smirk smugly. No one knows that I am his bully, except maybe for Lottie. I assumed she didn't say anything, since Jay never complained. After he introduced himself, his mother huffed quietly, "Louis, that was rude." She mumbled, pulling him back. 

"It's fine. It's not like we were having a proper conversation, anyway." My mother retorted, earning a chuckle from my dad and I. My dad was a quiet man in public. Always kept to himself. Maybe that's why Mum always had suspicions. Jay glared at us all, placing her hands on her hips. "I will not allow unwanted visitors disrespecting me in my own house." 

"Is she always like that?" My mother whispered loudly to Louis with a smile, only to cause Louis to laugh. My eyes beamed when i heard his laugh. It was maybe the cutest laugh I have ever heard. I bit down on my lower lip harshly, trying to refrain the smile that was about to escape. I could tell my mum liked him, probably because he was so nerdy and preppy. 

Just when Jay was about to speak, I cut her off. "How about we just have the dinner? There's no need for the fighting or the introducing crap. We all know who we are. Let's just try to get through one dinner." I suggested, nudging my mum with a grin. She just rolled her eyes at me, knowing that I was right. Jay rolled her eyes as well, grumbling something under her breath as she led us to the dining room. I sighed quietly, looking around quickly. "You." I said, pointing to Lottie. 

"M-Me?" She stuttered out, her blue eyes wide. 

"Yeah, you." I smiled, walking over to her as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her small frame towards me. "I want you to sit next to me." I said sternly, not giving her much of a choice. But she didn't seem to mind. 

"Sure, okay!" She said, a bit too happily. 

I flashed her a fake smile, rolling my eyes as we both made it to the table. My eyes met with Louis' as I sat down next to Lottie. I could tell Louis was staring at us, just like everyone else. Was he upset because I was flirting with his sister? No, he didn't look angry, Even if he was, it's not like he would do something. We both just sat there in silence, our eyes never breaking contact. His eyes were sad. I don't know why, but it broke my heart to see him upset. 

I peeled my eyes off of him, trying to pay no attention to Louis. I bit the insides of my cheeks before leaning over, resting my hand on Lottie's thigh. Everyone glanced over at us, I could tell they were confused. Thankfully, they didn't say anything. 

I kept an eyebrow arched up when I see some maids and butlers serve us our dinner. "Damn." I blurted out, covering my mouth with my free hand in realization of what I had just said. "Sorry. Really sorry. I'll shut up now." I mumbled embarassedly, my cheeks flushing. I looked down at my lap, knitting my eyebrows together as I heard them chuckle. "Aw, you're so cute!" Lottie chirped, pinching my blushing cheek. I moved away from her, scoffing quietly. Was she always this childish? 

Louis let out another laugh, his eyes quickly moving away when they had met mine. I couldn't help but chuckle as well at Lottie's behaviour. "Shut up, Lou. What the hell is your problem, anyway?" Lottie snapped at him quietly, rolling her eyes. Neither of our parents heard, but my mouth hung open in shock at the way she talked to her brother. He was older, too. He could've defend himself. If I ever spoke like that to Gemma, she'd hit me multiple times. 

Louis looked down at his lap, a slight frown on his face. I frowned as well, but shook it off instead. I kept my hand on her leg as we all started to eat. Both of our parents kept an ongoing conversation, occacionslly they even laughed with each other. It was like they were finally starting to get along, which is weird. The twins were doing their own thing, Lottie kept on babbling on about something, but I was too focused on Louis. My eyes never left his and I could tell he was getting nervous by each second.

"Jay, I know this might sound rude, but I have a favor to ask." My mother said, breaking the comfortable silence that was there. 

"Sure, what is it?" She asked, giving her a small smile. This was all getting too weird. 

"Well, Robin and I have a..meeting." My mother began hesistantly. "And we were wondering if Harry could sleep over this weekend. We don't trust him anymore to stay alone at our house anymore." My mum mumbled, glancing over at me. 

"Sure. He seems..nice." Jay said, chucking nervously. 

"Wait, what?" Louis blurted out, his eyes widened in fear. "No, he can't stay. Please." He begged, looking at Jay desperately. 

My mum frowned, a look of hurt flashing across her face. "Oh. Um, it's fine if you don't want Harry to stay. He can stay with another friend." She said quietly, nodding her head slowly. 

"No, of course Harry can stay!" Jay said, glaring at Louis. "Lou is just kidding. We would love for Harry to stay with us." She said, smiling. Louis sat back in his chair, pushing his empty plate away as he crossed his arms, shutting his eyes for a moment. I grinned widely. This weekend would be so much fun for me. 

"Yay, you're staying over!" Lottie said obnixoiusly loud, hugging my side. 

"Oh, um, yeah, I guess I am." I mumbled, forcing myself to hug her back. Jesus, was she always this clingy. "You know what that means, right?" I smirked, leaning down to her ear. I whispered a bunch of romantic shit in her ear, not meaning a word that I said. I did that with every girl, and I wasn't going to make an exception here. 

Lottie giggled quietly and blushed deeply, staying close to me. I sighed contently before looking up, seeing Louis' eyes glued on us. I raised an eyebrow, "May we help you?" I asked mockingly, laughing. Lottie laughed as well, looking at Louis with pure disgust. I wanted to yell at Lottie right there for treating her brother like that. Only I could act like that with him. What was her problem, anyway? He doesn't seem to be bothering anyone here. Louis' blue eyes suddenly darkened, his eyes becoming glossy with tears. 

"Excuse me." He murmured, his voice barely audible as he shot up from his seat and made his way up the marble staircase. We all watched him rish out of the dining room, him leaving all of us confused. "What a freak." Lottie mumbled, resting her head on my shoulder. I looked down at her, huffing quietly in annoyance. I sat back in my chair, a million thoughts running through my head. Why was Louis so upset? Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. 

"Love, why don't we go to your bedroom?" I whispered to Lottie, grabbing her hand slowly. 

Lottie's eyes widened, "We're going upstairs." She said abruptly, interrupting everyone's conversations. She stood up and pulled me up beside her, running over to the staircase. "Uh, thanks for the dinner!" I called out before following her up the stairs. I just hope that she realizes we weren't going to do anything at all. I just wanted to check up on Louis. 

Before I know it, she pulls me along into her giant bedroom and pushes me down on the bed. My eyes widened. This girl was crazier than I thought. "H-Hey, let's watch a movie." I said as I spot a tv, quickly sititng up on the bed. "You go pick a movie and I'll be right back." I said, giving her a quick smile before kissing her cheek. She smiled wide and kept quiet, nodding her head instead. I got up and trudged out of her bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I sighed in relief, running both of my hands through my hair as I quickly walked up and down the long hallways, trying to find Louis' room. But how was I suppose to know where his room is? 

After opening random doors all over the house, I finally made my way to one door that was at the very end of the hallway. I hesitantly open the door slowly, taking a step inside. I didn't even bother to knock. I looked around, only to see Louis on the edge of his bed. I could even hear his quiet sniffles. My heart sank at the sight, I just wanted to hold him, telling him that everything is okay. But I couldn't. He turned around slowly, his red and puffy eyes looking up at me innocently. 


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