Chapter 14

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Harry's POV: 

A quiet but nervous chuckle escapes my rose coloured lips as I hung my head low, biting down on my lower lip gently. We were going to get in so much trouble... 

"Harry. Louis. What is going on here?" Jay asks, her eyes narrowed at us both. You could just see the anger rising up in her. It was a little funny, to be honest. If it was my mum, she woudn't care at all. Then again, my kitchen wasn't nearly as nice as his. Jay places her hands on her hips, breathing in and out deeply through her nose. I hold back a smirk, trying my best not to laugh. i hated authority figures and it was amusing when they tried to get upset or whatever. 

"We were just joking around, Mum. It's not that big of a deal," Louis mumbles quietly, his cheeks reddening out of embarrassment. Lottie soon came in, gasping loudly as soon as she and I made eye contact. 

"Harry! Oh my god, look at you! Are you okay?" She yells, running over to me and grabbing both of my hands instead since I was a total mess. I rolled my eyes in response to her screeching, not wanting to deal with her right now. She was a lunatic, truthfully. 

Jay then stared, looking at me like I did something wrong. Of course she thought that. Everyone assumes that when you're known as a 'delinquent.' After a few moments of her just staring at me, she stood up straight and lifted her head up in pride. "Harry, I think you should go. I just spoke to your parents a little while ago and they just arrived, anyway. I will speak to your mother about....this," Jay said, gesturing over to the messy kitchen. 

I frowned slightly and looked down in shame, ripping my hands away from Lottie's grip. I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it, deciding that me cursing this old lady out wouldn't be the best idea, anyway. It'd just get me in more trouble. 

"Mum, I started it. Don't tell Harry's mum about this, we were just messing around. It was mostly my fault," Louis piped up quietly, his eyes wide in fear as he stared at his mother, not even looking at me at all. 

"Of course it was. You just can't do anything right, queer." Lottie sneered, causing me to raise my eyebrows in response. Sure, Louis was used to being called by that. But I didn't think his own sister would say that. Jay just sighed quietly, shushing Lottie and gesturing her out of the kitchen. Anger quickly started to rise in me. Who the hell does she think she is, saying that about her own damn brother? Then again, that was something I called him on a daily basis, and it's not my intention to stop anytime soon. 

"You're going to let your daughter speak to him like that? He didn't even do anything. We were just playing around, you're making it such a big deal. I'll clean your fucking kitchen till it's spotless if it means something to you. But I'm not going to be in a house where a mother lets a child use that sort of langauge to her older brother," I spoke up loudly and firmly, narrowing my eyes at Lottie. "Learn how to respect others." I seethed quietly before brushing past the both of them, not waiting to see their stunned reactions. Someone needed to put them in their place. I couldn't help but feel hypocritical. i didn't respect him. Hell, I didn't respect a lot of people, and I told off a girl whom I barely knew. And her mother. What the hell was going on with me? 

I stormed off to the room I was staying in and packed my things up quickly, shoving them in my bag. I didn't even want to clean up. My heart was pounding and the adrenaline was rushing through my veins, I needed to get out of there. Why was I so angry? I swiftly walked downstairs and out the door, walking to my room. My mom was already on the phone with Jay. 

"Oh really? He said that? I see.." My mom mumbled, giving me a look of disapointment once I walked in, shaking her head. I huffed in annoyance and walked up to my room, throwing my bags in my room. I knew I was grounded. But was Louis really worth for me to get grounded for? 

Author's Note: Hi, sorry, that was a short chapter! I'm sorry for not posting my chapter, I just haven't had the time to write it and I didn't know what to write! I can guarentee you we will be writing more often! Thanks for reading! xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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