Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Harry's POV 

The awkward silence between us both increases rapidly as I tale a seat next to him, leaning my back against the white wall behind us. I let a soft sigh escape my lips, looking over at Louis at the corner of my eye. His body immediately tenses up when he had noticed my presence. I make sure there was some distance between us, I didn't want him to run away from me. I never wanted that in the first place. It was a terrible feeling. All of this was. 

i stay quiet for a few moments, my teeth sinking down to my lower lip harshly, tasting blood reach the surface. I hum quietly to myself,, trying to occupy myself. I just wanted to get out of Lottie's room. It was like she was suffocating me, smothering me with her love. Jesus, I need some space to myself. I only picked her as my next victim so I could come over to her house more often, but not for that reason. No, I picked her because I wanted to see Louis. As much as I want to deny that, I couldn't. I'd be lying. 

Louis's eyes stays directed on me the entire time I sit there, it was like he was waiting for me to say or do something to him. That wasn't the case. I fumble with my fingers out of boredom, leaning my head back as I look up at the ceiling. "I'm not going to hurt you now, you know." I spoke quietly, my voice raspy and quiet as I found myself scooting a bit more closer to him. 

He just stays quiet, deciding not to respond to me. I couldn't blame him, I wouldn't believe me either. I blow out a breath, a million of thoughts running through my head as we both sit in silence. 

"Why?" He asks, mostly mumbling to himself. 

"Why what?" I ask quietly, turning my head to look at him, only to see his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as he looks down in his lap. It was really cute, actually. 

"Why didn't you…finish me off at the parking lot earlier today when you had the chance? It just makes no sense to me. You just…left me there." He says slowly, like the memory was still flashing back through his mind. 

I frown slightly, looking down at the older boy in front of me. The memories from earlier today flash back through my head. He did get beat up pretty badly. And from the cuts and bruises he still has on his face now indicates that it must have hurt like hell. For some reason, I want to forget all about that. It makes me cringe too realize how awful I was to him. I let my hands slide down off my lap and onto the floor, one of my hands dangerously close to his. "M-Maybe I'm tired of hurting you now." I whisper, not noticing that my hand was over his now. I smiled lightly at the feeling, liking the way our hands touched. It was weird, yet I liked it. I move my gaze down to our hands that were now together before looking back up at him. My smile even grew wider as I saw a small, shy smile make its way to his face. He looks so adorable. I just want to cuddle with him right then and there. He finally looks up at me, making eye contact for the first time tonight. His blue eyes were glistening with fear, or course.

He ripped his hand away from mine and stumbled his way back up before looking down at me, "S-Sorry." He muttered out before running into his bedroom quickly. He shut the door, locking it quickly afterwards. I blinked slowly, still trying to figure out what just had happened. 

I sat there for a few moments, a bit upset that he ran away. I knew I scared him, but I wasn't doing anything to him. I even told him that. I hate being feared. Then again, I fear myself sometimes. 

I stand up from the floor, brushing off my dark skinny jeans as I sighed quietly, making my way downstairs just in time to see my parents already at the front door. "Have a good time with the kids?" Jay asked sweetly, smiling at me. The same smile Louis had. I flashed her a smile back, nodding quickly. "Yes, I did. Thank you for dinner, by the way." I nodded before giving her a small hug. We finally said all of our goodbyes before my family and I all walked back to our house next door. "Jesus, did you see the size of the house that they have? I think I got lost in there five times." My Mum rambled on as we walked inside. I chuckled, that's usual for Mum. I let her ramble on to herself as i jogged up the stairs to my tiny room, finally having a sense of security and safety from the outside world wash over me. 

I blast up my music as always, the loud bass pumping in through the walls. I sit down on the edge of my bed, running both of my hands through my curly hair. I tug on it gently, sighing heavily. What a night. I stand up and go over to my window, shoving my hands into my pockets. The only view I had from my window was directly into Louis's room. I would occasionally glance in, but I usually to keep to myself when I'm in my room. It was the only place I could actually be myself. I look out into his bedroom, seeing him on the edge of his bed, reading a book. I smiled to myself a bit, that's something Louis would do. He must have been very into the book, his eyes were glued on the page as he read each word carefully. I watch him for a few moments, tapping my foot lightly to the beat of my music before I noticed something. Someone was coming in through the door. Lottie. 

Note: Hiii! So sorry for the late update. We've been busy with Spring Break and school and service week and asdfhjsahdf. But we are finally back! So don't worry. We will update a lot more! Hope you enjoyed this! xx 

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