Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Harry's POV

My teeth sunk down and grazed over on my bottom lip as I kept my hand on his leg, feeling him trembling underneath my touch. I fluttered my eyes closed for a moment, feeling horrible about the whole situation. I had watched the whole thing, but I knew that I couldn't do anything about it. I couldn't stop it. Well, I could. But, that would just jeopardize everything. I don't even know how I feel about Louis. Every day I feel like I'm falling for him. As hard as I try not to, it never works. He is constantly on my mind. Dammit, I feel like I'm going crazy. Who would ever hurt him like that? He never even did anything to Carrington or those guys. Who would just hurt someone for no reason whatsoever? Oh, wait. I would.

"L-Louis, are you okay?" I asked, my voice soft and filled with concern. "How badly did he hurt you?" I murmured, scanning over his bruised and bloody face and scrawny body. My free hand reached out to trail down his fragile body, making him whimper quietly as I brushed over his ribs. "M'sorry, I didn't mean to do that." I said quickly, pulling my hand back. He shook his head, avoiding eye contact with me. I sighed heavily, tilting his chin up gently to look at me. Even though his face was bruised and battered, I could see the faint blush creep onto his cheeks. "Relax. I'm gonna sort this out for you. Don't worry." I reassured him slowly, wondering why I even promised him that. Louis opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but instead closed his mouth, knitting his eyebrows together.

"You need to go to the nurse?" I asked quietly as I stood up slowly, holding out a hand for him to help him up. I took his small hand into mine, smiling lightly at how cute he was. Fuck. Don't think that. Louis shook his head slowly, keeping his head hung low. I just nodded, deciding not to ask him why he didn't want to go to the nurse. He looked pretty bad.

I kept his small hand entwined with mine as I led him out the bathroom, seeing that no one was in the hallways. Good. I notice a tall figure walk over to us both and I quickly snatch my hand away from Louis's hand, shoving both of my hands into the pockets of my ripped skinny jeans.

"Hey, what are you doing with the fag?" Carrington sneers as he nears us, the stupid smirk still plastered on his face.

"Just leave it, Carrington. isn't worth your time." I say quietly, trying my best to remain 'normal.'

"What the fuck, Harry? What, have you gone soft on the little fag here?" Carrington retorts, huffing quietly as he grabbed the collar of Louis's shirt. I glanced over at the Louis, seeing his fragile body trembling as he mentally prepared himself for the first blow.

My jaw clenches tightly as I breathe heavily, my usual bright green eyes darkening as I feel the anger rise inside me. It was scary when I got mad. I never really remmebered it afterwards. It was like I blacked out. I don't know, maybe I really am crazy. I roughly grab Carrington's shoulder, staring down at the older boy in front of me. "I said, leave him alone. Did I stutter? And how dare you disrespect me." I say quietly, my voice eerily quiet.

Carrington's eyes widen as he looks up at me, gulping harshly. "Hey, man. I was just fooling around. You know that. Relax, Harry." He laughed nervously, gently hitting my arm.

I growl quietly, suddenly pushing him down to the ground. I tower over him, balling my fists up as I look up at Louis, "Get out of here." I mumble, then looking down at Carrington.

"Harry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. You know how I am, I'm sorry." He babbles on, making me groan quietly.

"Just shut up!" I yell, kicking him straight in the stomach. His constant apologizing is only irritating me.

He lets out a cry of pain as he holds his stomach, curling up to himself. I glance up, seeing Louis standing there with a horrid look on his face. "H-Harry, just please let him go." Louis whimpers, still in complete shock. I just ignore him, looking down at Carrington before raising up my fist. My fist collides with his nose. He groans loudly in pain, quickly trying to scoot away from me as he holds his nose that was bleeding endlessly. "Stop, just stop. Please." He begs, sobbing quietly to himself.

My body tenses as I remain standing, looking to meet my eyes with Louis's. He looked mortified. A quiet gasp escapes his lips before he turns around, running, more like limping, away from me. I sighed quietly before running after him, leaving Carrington on the floor. "Louis!" I yelled after him, grabbing his arm gently. I turned him around quickly, Louis accidentally colliding into my chest. "I'm not going to hurt you anymore." I whispered, looking down at with a look of desperation. He blinked slowly, parting his lips in surprise. I nodded slowly before letting him go, walking off to my class. 

What the hell have I done? 


The school day had went by slowly, it seemed like it would never end. Nothing really happened. Carrington ditched class all day, Louis stayed hidden by himself, and I now had bruises on my knuckles from the punch. Nothing new. 

I drove back home in my shitty car, seeing that Louis was already home. Damn, that was quick. 

I parked in my driveway, climbing out of the car as I grabbed my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder as I made my way to the front door, only to see a bag outside the door and a note on the front door. My eyebrows knit together as I read the note: 


Your father and I are out this weekend, so you're going to be staying next door. Don't get in trouble. Love you. 


I sighed heavily and frowned slightly, crinking up the piece of paper and shoving it in my pocket as I grabbed the duffel bag, which probably contained with clothes and other necessities. I'm 16, I can stay at home by myself. Well.. Last time that happened, the cops almost arrested me and my friends. Nevermind. I slowly walked over to the Tomlinsons' house, hesitantly walking up to the front door. I fixed my hair quickly before ringing the doorbell, pressing my lips together as I looked up when the door opened. I cracked a small smile, trying to hold it back. 

"Harry.." Louis mumbled quietly. 

Author's Note: hiii hope you enjoyed that! sorry about the weird update timings, we will update as soon as possible. anyways, comment what you would like to see or predict what's gonna happen :) byeeee love you. xx

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