Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Louis's POV

My heart skips a beat as Harry stands in the doorway. His strong hands grip the grey dufflebag. I hadn't stopped thinking about this morning. He had genuinely helped me in the bathroom. But why? Everyday before now he typically just leaves me there to suffer in pain, but he not only had left me alone but tried to make sure I was alright. He kept promising he was done hurting me too, but what has changed? These past few days have been the strangest in my life. I hate to say it, but I guess now I'm used to him beating me up. I've grown accustomed to running and hiding from this sophmore boy no matter how much I don't want to. But now he's here standing in the entry to my home, bag in hand. I feel my blood pulsing through my veins as he smiles sweetly. Suddenly I don't feel afraid anymore. All at once I feel a sense of safety in the uncertainty that surrounds this moment.

" mum left a note that I was to ... um ... i guess ... stay here for a couple days while they are gone," Harry says softly. There is nothing gruff about his tone, just the quiet and protective voice that held me in the bathroom. There's a kind of innocence in the way he stumbles through his sentence, and the image of him beating Carrington begins to fade from my mind.

"Yea my mum called a few moments ago." My stomach was turning upside down watching him in the doorway. What am I even doing? I'm acting like a giggly school girl. He can't know. I'm not entirely certain what this morning was, but he's not like me. But I have to talk to him. All I need is a bit of bravery. "So where were your parents headed?"

"They never said. My folks can be like that sometimes. Ehh I don't really care though." I long to ask more about his parents, about all that I've seen happen through the window, but I pin my lips shut. "Hey, you alright after today? I meant to check on you later but ha you kinda vanished."

"Yea I guess. My mum's a nurse so I did my best to patch myself up. Thanks though." His head turns aside as a soft smile forms across his lips. I feel my face grow warm. He looks back to see me blushing and chuckles quietly.

He's only just arrived, and this moment seems to make the world stand still. Maybe it's my imagination getting the best of me, but I am over come in a sense of safety. His eyes a deep green capture me and fill me with a happiness I didn't know existed. I know it's only a one way feeling, though. For the moment I am caught up in what seems like heaven. 

"Yea uh sorry about my asshole friend. Not really sure he's a friend, but he's someone to talk to I mean. Someone to just muck about with when you're lonely," Harry says, eyes locked on mine. "Fuck, I'm such an idiot. I probably sound ridiculous right now, I don't know. Just...never mind." I muffle a laugh as his cheeks take on a more rosey shade. Something about him makes him so easy to talk to.

"Nah I get it. I mean kinda. I tend to 'vanish' before anyone can find me." He chuckles quietly at my use of "vanish" like he said earlier. The small smile on his face slowly grows. That smile has a way of making me unsure of wheather I am about to melt or burst into flames.

"Louis, who's at the door?" Lottie calls. My heaven is torn from me as she bounds down the stairs and towards the door.

"Um...Harry," I mumble quietly. All happiness present only moments ago is quickly fleeing my body. I can't let either of them see though. Not even after what happened today. 

"Harry!" Lottie slams past me, knocking me into the door. Apparently I'm not patched up as well as I wish I was. God that hurt like hell. Pain shoots from my ribs up my body. 

I turn back in time to see Lottie running at Harry, meeting his lips with hers. Yep. The moment is over. The walls of my fantasy come crashing down around me. I feel as though all my joy has been shattered in one massive act of destruction.

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