I- Raven

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I climb out of bed at the sound of my alarm and quickly search for my phone

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I climb out of bed at the sound of my alarm and quickly search for my phone. As I find it a voice goes through my head.

'Alpha, we need you in the main hall. You're meeting with the new recruits remember?' My beta says, sometimes I think he thinks that I'm incompetent or unfit for the role of alpha. I ignore the call.

'I remember Hobs. You reminded me of it all week. Give me ten minutes.' I mind-link back to him. Mind-linking is something all werewolves of the same pack can do, and as the alpha I can mind-link to all of my pack members. Think of it like insta Bluetooth,but constantly.

I swing my leg to the side of the bed and grab my crutches. I stand and hobble over to the chair beside the stand for my prosthetic. When I was 11 I lost my leg in a rouge attack, the same attack I lost my parents in. The missing leg only affects my human form and can use a prosthetic and nobody even notices.

I hook it on and walk to the bathroom. With the leg on I can walk and jog just like any normal person, but running is no longer an option for me in human form.

Now you may be wondering why I keep saying human form well that's because I'm a werewolf. I can switch from wolf to human if I will it.

I quickly rush to the shower and wash only my hair by leaning onto the stall and drenching my hair, I wash it quickly and dry it in record time. I get into a simple wear of jeans; a plum purple top a grey and plum plaid shirt. I top it off with a black leather jacket, my naturally curled hair was good enough for my silly beta. I add some dark black eyeliner and a little bit of plum liner to spice it up.

I rush out my door and down the stairs of the pack house, I live on the floor with only one other person my twin brother Chase. One the fourth floor of the house is our offices for the office work that needs to get done in our pack. What we were's need accountants and secretaries too.

I head to my office smiling at some of the more social were's on the floor. I get to my office and slam open the door startling Hobs. Ha serves him right! His tan skin and dark hair are slightly aged, he's mid-forties and getting slower and crankier and in my opinion more annoying.

"Wake up Hobs, you're not going to keep your job by napping!" I snap.

"Sorry Alpha Raven." He utters submissively.

"Yes, I am alpha not you, so what must you report?" I state, hoping this time he'll get it.

"There has been a trespasser, we caught them and they are now in our holding cell," Hobs reports.

"And why was I not the first one notified of this?" I quip harshly my eyes narrowing.

"You were sleeping." Hobs almost whimpers at my tone.

"I don't care about sleep when my pack could be in danger!" I yell, my alpha voice coming out and I'm seeing red. How could this buffoon no notify me about an intruder?

I stalk out of the room hobs rushing at my heals but I can still sense the submissiveness rolling off him in waves. I only stop at a spin when I am in the elevator and slamming my hand down on the button surely breaking it.

I feel the elevator going down and I tap my real foot in irritants. Finally, I'm down in the basement of the house. The door opens after a sharp ding and I'm on my way out to the holding cell and I am not close to calm. Hobs will surely be punished for this maybe I will have to put his oldest son into the beta position.

I get to the holding cell, the least brutal of the cells, after all, what if this person is innocent. In the cell is a man as old as I am. He lounges back on the tiny stool, that looks even smaller with the man's tallness.

"Who. Are. You?" I growl and a smirk grows on the man's handsome face.

"Well well well the she-alpha come down to this lowly prison to see a common trespasser such as myself." He says his voice as cool as ice.

"You're not a rouge, and definitely not human tell me who the fuck you are now before your head Is removed from your shoulders," I growl my wolf starting to surface.

"I am the little brother of Alpha Tobias, James but my friends call me Jay." The man smirks and shock crosses my face.

"Alpha Tobias? Why are you here then?"

"Whoa I'm just the messenger boy I don't even know what's in the letter he gave me!" he says sitting up straight and fishing a letter out of his pocket. I command him to come forth and he begrudgingly stands and comes to the side of the cell and holds the letter between tow of the bars I snatch it away quickly and open it.

I open the folded piece of paper and begin to read the loopy almost perfect cursive writing on the page.

Dear Alpha Raven,

No doubt you have my brother in one of your holding cells and I beg you do not hurt him. I realize that makes me sound weak but I don't care. Please I am currently waiting outside your borders and your shifty beta probably forgot to tell you that I'm here. None to less I would like to discuss an alliance and hope you will come out to meet me and my beta and third-in-command. We mean no harm and by no is this a trick or ambush. Please we are currently on the northern most point of your land.

- Alpha Tobias.

I growl. Does he think I'm stupid?

"Ralph! Assemble me the ten best warriors and meet me in front of the pack house in ten minutes!" I scream as loud as I can and head for the keys in the main drawer keeping drawer right by the main door I first came down in. I also grab a set of regular handcuffs and chains.

I grab the key ring and find the right key, I unlock the door to the holding cage. I the keys jingle and the cell door clangs and squeaks as it swings open.

"Get off your ass we're going to talk to your brother," I say holding the rope in my hand.


The picture above is Barbara Palvin playing our wonderful Raven.

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