V- Raven

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I climb out of my black Maserati and wait for Jay to come from his side

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I climb out of my black Maserati and wait for Jay to come from his side. We went and got him a hair cut and some new dress clothes, a purple button up, a slate grey vest with matching trousers and some black shoes with a black tie.

I on the other hand have my dark hair curled and darker make up on but a white dress that reaches the floor and has no back. My heels are silver and the left side of the dress has a slit up to my thigh to but the right is still hidden that way my prosthetic can't be seen.

Jay reaches me and offers his arm, what a gentle man. I take it and we stroll through the doors looking like a Hollywood couple straight from a holly wood premier. We get to the front desk and I give the man behind the desk an award-winning smile.

"Reservation for Raven." I say.

"Right this way, Ma'am." He says making it clear that he is human. We follow him and as he leads us I ask him if Tobias is already here and he responds with a quick no.

"Here you are." He says showing us our secluded table of three in the corner.

"Thank you." I say sitting down with an empty chair to my left and Jay sitting to my right.

We make small talk while we wait for Tobias. We both sip our drinks. Mine a scotch and his a beer of some sort. Finally, after of fit of laughter from both of us this get serious.

"Raven, my mate is your brother. I found out the other when he came back to my room after Tobias took you to yours. He looked into my eyes and I knew." He says not being able to meet my eyes. "I'm sorry Raven, I didn't mean for this to happen."

"Jay nothing is ever your fault your too young for being this serious, and it's okay for you to have my brother as a mate. Chase came out of the closet a year before he left and all of us accepted it as best we could." I laugh. "Believe me if you didn't figure it out before, he's very feely and very possessive so if he gets too much just tell me and I'll help deal with him."

"Thank you for being so accepting, it means a lot." He says.

"No problem." I place my hand over his in a comforting manner and smile at him.

"What's going on here?" Tobias asks coming to the table. I take my hand off Jays.

"Nothing. Now I thought I told you 8 sharp. It's currently 15 to 9. That means your late for dinner." I tsk three times. "Not off to a good start."

Tobias sits at the table and the waiter comes back and asks Tobias for his drink order, he asks for a water.

"Don't swear, don't drink, do you have any fun at all?" I ask Tobias.

"Swearing is for bad people, I refuse to be a bad person so I will not drink or swear." He tells me.

"I read somewhere that people who swear tend to be more honest. Besides I like being a bad girl." I say leaning forward onto the table and winking at Tobias.

The waiter comes back with Tobias' water and asks for our orders and we give them. It doesn't take long for the dinner to arrive and in the time, it takes we discuss an alliance. Tobias keeps pushing mating and combining our pack like that but I'm unsure about the whole mate thing. After all there have been some horrible experiences where the mate is completely horrible to their mate after they give them a pup.

"Look Tobias, I understand that our mating would be good idea and the easiest one but what if people use that against us. I know over the years my pack has developed some enemies and so has yours. Our enemies could use our mating against us." I say my tone calm as soon as the waiter leaves us with our entrees.

"I don't think they will, every strong Alpha has an even stronger Luna behind them." Tobias says.

"You expect me to be Luna?" I question.

"Well yes, you are the female in our relationship."

"For the last seven years, I have had to learn to be alpha on my own. I didn't have daddy leaning over my shoulder helping me. I earned my alpha title I will not be demoted to Luna." I say, my tone daring.

"Raven," his voice saying my name gives me chills, making me catch and stop myself from shivering. "I'm Alpha, I am not going to be Luna. That position is only for the woman of the Alpha couple. It's the highest position, said so by the moon goddess herself."

"I take care of the pack how I will choose, if our packs are to merge then we will have to change the rules. There will be two alphas, and no telling me what to do." I say, nonchalantly. I cut up my steak not looking at him as if the out come of our merge doesn't concern me.

"Deal. We can go over the ret of the details later." Tobias says.

"I would like to discuss them sooner rather than later." I say biting into my steak.

"We can go over this tonight in my bungalow." He says suggestively, I roll my eyes and reply with a simple no.

Sensing the conversation is over Tobias turns to his brother. "So how are things at Redwood pack?"

"Really great, Raven and I went shopping today and it was the best we got some paint and painted my room, its that dark blue colour of the sky at midnight. Raven also showed me around, they have a monster library and a game room with every kind of console and game!" Jay goes on like a little kid at Christmas and Tobias just listens a small sad smile on his face as he eats.

Soon its dessert and I'm stuffed so I politely reject dessert for myself, so does Tobias but Jay gets a slice chocolate cake.

As soon as the cake is placed in front of him, Jay digs right in and I smile at his child like behaviour. Having Jay around has been a breath of fresh air. I pick up one of my forks and snag a bite of cake. I do the same but hold it out for Tobias. He bites it off the fork but gets some icing on his face in the process so I reach over with a napkin and wipe it off.

He smiles a small but genuine smile at me and I smile back at him, my cheeks feeling heated. I pay for dinner after arguing with Tobias about it but after a game of rock paper scissors. We walk down main street together Jay running ahead to look at everything. I have my hand on Tobias' arm and we walk close together.

"Jay seems very happy being around you these past couple days and...... I think you should keep him for the time being." Tobias says.

"What? I can't keep your little brother." I say shocked at his request.

"Please." He says looking over at me giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Okay but you'll come over as often as you can, right? I can't take him completely. He needs you. I need you." I whisper the last part and hope he didn't hear it.

"I need you too, but we'll join the packs at the time of our marriage, those are my conditions. Marriage when we're sure." He says.

"Okay. Deal." I say. I go on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek.

We continue down the street, I can't help but feel as this is the rightest thing I've ever done in my life.

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