Angel, I got attacked and...this is Demonic

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The morning after the gruesome discovery of Demonic's late mother went by pretty quick.Kate identified the markings on Demonic's mother's neck as "Some sickos making vampires seem more gross". Angel didn't bother being there. Doyle, of course, had to be there for questioning. Demonic was safely spending time in some officer's custody.

  Kate preferred to have the meeting at her desk.

      "What's dah mother’s name?" Doyle asks first, before Kate could start.

   "Cathrine D. Rainwater."

   Kate covered her mouth suddenly. She looks at Doyle accusingly as if he had cologne on him.

 Doyle shrugs.

"Nope." Doyle said, with a laugh. "Don't have any on."

"You saw the killers." Kate takes out a pen and paper. "What did they look like?"

I didn't see their human faces, Doyle thought, but I can describe their hair.

"Silver, smooth hair that is not receding..." Doyle tells her to his best ability. Kate slowly looks up from the paper as he went on his big smart-cookie act,"Crazy faces, big ears, and oh, the second one had dumbo eyes.”

Kate sets her pen down on the desk, still holding the paper.

"You didn't see their faces." Kate acknowledges, having a rage-quit.

Doyle folds his arms.

"I saw teir hair." Doyle leans back in the chair.

Kate impatiently combs through her hair.

"How many were there?" Kate puts both hands on her paper.

I killed the third one, Doyle reminds himself, and I threatened those younger boys.

"Two." Doyle then shudders. "It was dah most..." As a half-demon who works for Angel Investigations...That had to be the worst thing I've seen yet. "Awful scene." Doyle shook his head, "Poor kid didn't know what was happening ta his mom."

Kate raises an eyebrow, ”How did you find the boy?"

"Don't call him, 'The boy'," Doyle told Kate, his eyebrows hunched together in annoyance. Kate is one of those 'good'  officers who may get insensitive at times.  "He has a name: Demonic. Don't treat a victim's child as: 'dah kid',dah girl','dah boy'. Ya lose steam at dat point."

Doyle sighs.

"I was chased  old friend." Doyle  clasps his hands together, "And ten I kind of barged inta dah room and crashed inta a cabinet. I'm pretty sure the door slammed shut behind me.  Ya can't defy high velocity and force, correct?"

  Kate rubs her temples slowly.

"Correct." She sighs, agitated.

Satisfied, Doyle continued.

"I got up, and ten I heard him say: 'Mommy? Daddy? Is that really ya?'." Doyle got pretty choked up on that part. If his mom is a Werewolf.....Big Daddy could be around somewhere. He can feel there had to be something about Demonic's dad, aside to his mom being the Werewolf in the relationship. A father would have good intentions not to leave Big Momma with their child. "He was standing in dah hallway."

   Kate taps her chin.

“If he knew his mom was already home, why did he ask if you were his mommy?” Kate asks, raising two eyebrows.

   Doyle shrugs.

“When a kid is scared…..Tey ask for teir parents.”  Doyle tells her, glancing over to the side just in time to see a detective handcuff a prostitute to a chair. “And dose handcuffs…dere’s a big flaw with dose handcuffs; ya know dat a small person can out of tem?”

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