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Brennan got off of Booth and sat beside him.

"Like seriously!?!?!?" Jaime squealed.

"Jaime, we're adults an-"

He interuppted Brennan and groaned, "I get that, Mom! But why Parker's dad!!??!!?"

"I need to go shopping. Fuck this shit!" Parker exclaimed as he pulled Jaime by his wrist and lead him to the front door. They walked out and got into Jaime's very nice and very beautiful maroon 1979 Monte Carlo.

Jaime began driving, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"You know, your mom and my dad have been through a lot together. They can be together and so can we," Parker said shyly.


"It's not like we'll be related. Besides, they're old so we won't have to worry about having another sibling!"

Jaime chuckled then said, "True. But... I don't know. It's all very weird."

Parker nodded, "Extremely weird. I mean, as a kid, I always wanted them together because I knew they'd be happy together. But now..."

Jaime nodded, "I mean... I want them to be happy... but how hard would that be to explain to people?"

"Very," Parker groaned, "Ugh! Let's just go on a shopping spree! Thank God it's Black Friday!"

Jaime giggled as they pulled into the mall parking lot. They got out of their car and walked into the mall. Their first stop was Victoria's Secret.

It was a tradition for Parker to spend $100 of Jaime's money on Black Friday as his Christmas gift and then Jaime spends $100 of Parker's money.

They walked to Victoria's Secret so Jaime could buy some perfume.

As they walked in, trying to get through the dozens of people, they noticed some girls from school. Parker ignored them and walked over to the perfume section. He picked up two bottles of perfume, when he heard a girl laugh and say, "Wow. Are you seriously buying that?"

"Oh my God! You're such a fag!" Another girl said.

"Why don't you both shut the fuck up?" someone hissed.

Parker looked over and saw a girl with black hair and purple straight hair. She walked over the Parker and said, "I'm sorry that these terrible bitches don't know how to keep their mouths shut!"

Parker smiled and said, "Thanks. I'm Parker."

The girls angrily stomped away and the girl with black hair said, "I'm Emily."

Parker, Jaime, and Emily ended up shopping all night. It turns out, Emily goes to their school! She is also gay, but no one knows.

Parker bought Jaime:
-A new pair of converse
-TØP shirt
-FOB shirt
-P!ATD shirt
-MCR shirt
-BVB shirt
-Pokemon shirt

Jaime bought Parker:
-Two bottles of perfume
-A pair of skinny jeans
-A pair of high heels
-Nail polish

Emily bought herself
-Pokemon toys
-A bra
-Stripper boots
-Nail polish
-A pretzel

They all decided to crash at Emily's house. As soonas they got there, they all fell asleep.

The next morning, Brennan woke up in her bed, naked in Booth's arms.

"I see someone's awake," Booth said, causing Brennan to smirk.

Brennan looked at him smiling, then she frowned, "Booth, how is this going to work?"

Bones, It Was A MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now