The Blue Spirit

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I hide on the top of a Fire Nation roof. Listening to commander Zhao's conversation with another man who is in charge of the archers.

I'm in black clothes with my double swords on my back as a mask covers my face. The mask of the Blue Spirit .

"Seems I've been promoted from commander to admiral," Zhao smirks.

"My request, is now an order," he looks back at the man. He bows and leaves Zhao to admire his promotion.

Guess that's my cue to get out of here...

I crawl down and quickly make my way back to the ship back at the docks as I have to stop a few times to wheeze a cough and catch my breath which never happens.

"I swear to the spirits I better not be sick," I mumble.

"I'm not sick Iroh I swear," I whine as I'm back on the ship.

"You look terrible, that storm really got you you," the old man chuckles as he leads me to my room.

"I'm fine," I smile reassuringly but brake out in a coughing fit making everyone back away.

"Define 'fine'," Iroh smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Zuko can you take Nabu to his room?" Iroh calls over to my best friend who is walking down the hallway.

"Why?" He asks and I grumble how I'm not sick under my breath.

"What did you even do?" Zuko asks me as Iroh walk away.

"Nothing! I'm not sic-" before I can finish my sentence I brake into coughs again wheezing a little.

"Convincing," Zuko rolls his eyes. He opens my door and I give in and go to bed.

"Get some rest Nabu," he tells me and I nod slightly. He walks out but I notice him looking at my swords.

But kept walking.

Sokka coughs as he is in his sleeping bag and I'm tending to him as Katara is helping Aang.

"This should bring your fever down," I put a wet cloth on his forehead.

"Know what I really love about Appa the most? His sense of humor," he says groggily with a smile looking at Appa. Appa looks back and gives a small roar.

"Ha ha, classic Appa," Sokka laughs weakly.

"That's nice," I sigh gently with a smile at my brother.

"How's Sokka doing?" Aang and Katara walks over holding a map.

"Not so good, staying out in that storm really did a number on him," I look back at my brother as he's sniffling snot and shivering. I glanced at Katara and she seems to be thinking about something, she seems to be ever since the storm.

I'll talk to her later.

"We couldn't find any ginger root for the tea but we found a map," Aang says and Katara shows the map. She walks over and lays it down spreading it across the floor.

"Theres an herble sancuary on the top of that mountain, we could probably find a cure for Sokka there," Aang explains.

"Aang he's in no condition to travel, Sokka just needs some more rest" I tell him.

"I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow," Katara smiles gently. Suddenly Katara brakes into a small cough and Aang flinches away.

"Not you too..." Aang looks at her.

"Relax it was just a little cough," she smiles but ends up coughing again making us both put our arms up.

"That's how Sokka started yesterday! Now look at him, he thinks he's an earth bender!" Aang cry's out and I glance at Sokka who was throwing weak punches threatening a rock. Yep... That's my brother...

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