Part 19

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You strutted into the room, a smile hung at you lips as you saw Laf sitting on the bed with a white rose in between his soft pink lips. You smiled as he set down the rose and gestured you to come in.

You slowly shut the door and smiled a deathly grin at Lafayette.

You strutted on over and laid next to Lafayette's body. He looked down at you and smiled. You couldn't stop smiling, he was home and it's all you ever wanted, Lafayette was holding your small frail body in his large arms.

YOU SNUGGLED INTO HIS CHEST. (Omg I realized I was in caps after I wrote that sentence so imma keep that in there👏)

"Lafayette, I love you, have I said that yet?"

He nodded and held you closer.

"Yah but I don't think you've said it enough."

You giggled and pulled away to look at his face. You smiled and pushed onto his lips, while kissing him you put your hand into his hair.

Nothing could ruin this moment, it was to perfect, to right. It was amazing and you wanted to spend the rest of your life with this man.

You pulled back when a knock at the door put your kissing to a hault.


My eyes widened and I stared down at Lafayette. I wrapped my arms around him and gripped him into a bear hug.

"Y/n, it's ok, we....we....can do this. We just.....have to work.....together."

He finally tugged you off and sat you up straight.

"She's a bitch, she almost killed you, my Lafayette."

He smiled and shook his head, "of corse I'm yours but you have to listen to me ok. Adrienne will never hurt me like that again, I've got you and I've gotten better at fighting and getting out of sticky situations."

You looked at Laf with a stupid grin.

"Laf never say "sticky situations" ever again, it sounds so dumb."

"Oh yah, and who's going to stop me."

He grabbed you and snuggled into your chest. You giggled trying to push him off when  James just stared at you.

"Seriously I could fucking get sick. Like look at me I'm already dying of watching you two. Adrienne is at our fucking door and you two are acting like me after I ate Taco Bell, rolling around holding your stomachs bitch. I could care less about y'all's fuckin Mc Chicken relationship up in here. I'm done with y'all ratatouille ass mc nuggets, peace."

You burst out laughing uncontrollably when he strutted out of the room. James could be super shy and super funny sometimes, your not even kidding.

You stood up and walked downstairs. Bitch, Adrienne, the weird devil, satans daughter, ouija board, 666, worship shit was downstairs and ready to eat dinner at your fucking table. If that hoe thinks she can strut into your house like there's a pole in the living room, she's got another thing coming.

You walked downstairs holding lafayettes hand, when you saw her.

"Hey y/n-"

"Hoe don't even get me started with your dumb dumb bubblegum lookin ass, I'm tired of your tricks because bitch, they ain't funny."

You looked her up and down and laughed.

"Bitch did you and your momma come from Mcdonalds because your looking a little greasy, like a fuckin Mc chicken."

You heard everyone around you trying to contain their laughter other than Lafayette.

"Ok how about we go eat, Adrienne Thomas will take you to the table."

You stared Lafayette up and down and pointed at Adrienne.

"Actually bitch you can leave, I need to work on my plan to beat your ass, and right now, I think you won who showers the least. Hoe you smell like a swamp. Where's the gators?"

James started laughing and had to excuse himself.

"Um....ok, I'll just leave then."

"Yah that would be great, go back to your Mc chicken babies. I can smell their greasiness from here."

Adrienne walked out and you sat there laughing. Lafayette stared at you tears forming in his eyes from laughing so hard.

Thomas sat staring and remembered the food.

"Ok bitches, shut up bc boi I made mac en cheese. Come at me."

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