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Hi! Here is chapter one! This is the exact same text as in my other book and it will still be up there (Little Harry Styles). If you have any requests for this book please comment and I will try to make it happen. If you have a request non-related to to this book, head over to my other one where I post individual one shots :) xx 

"It's fine Harry. You have every right to be nervous." The social worker shot Harry a sympathetic look. This was his third foster family in two months, fifth overall. everyone just kept giving up on the boy for no apparent reason. Harry lived with only his mother before but now she's too sick to take care of him, she's stuck in the hospital and things are not looking good. With no other family, there was no other choice then to put the poor boy into the foster system.

"I wanna stay with you." The boy looked down sadly, he had grown attached to the woman after living with her for a couple of days in between each foster family and the regular visits she did to make sure Harry was coping well. The woman wished she could, but there was just no way she could take Harry in when she has four kids of her own and works full time. Not that Harry would be any trouble; it just didn't work.

"I know, but this family is so loving. They have two children and a cat, I know how much you love cats." While her house was overflowing with kids, her brother had agreed to take the boy in while they continued the search for a more permanent foster family. They stopped in front of the fairly large house in the very nice part of town. The social worker rang the bell and knocked three times on the front door before bringing her arm around the small boy that stood beside her. "This will work out." She gave him a smile right before the front door swung open.

"Hey Lou," The woman smiled, letting herself inside and Harry tagged along. "Have a seat there darling, we'll be back in just a few." She led the boy to a sofa in the sitting room before turning back to her brother. "I'm sorry, I know this is much to ask and thank you so much for doing this. I don't know why everyone keeps giving up, he's such a sweet boy. But we're struggling to find another family and my house is overflowing."

"It's fine Lottie, for real. I know it's only temporary so it's absolutely fine."

"Thank you. Well, okay. Harry is nine, turning ten in February. He usually goes to whatever school is around, but I think he's quite liking the one in my neighbourhood. He visits his mum once a week, usually every Saturday and it's quite hard for the boy; they don't know how much she has left. I'll give you the details of the hospital and everything but I think it's time for you to meet Harry."

They make their way back into the sitting room where the small boy sat staring intensely down at his feet. Lottie took a seat next to the boy and he immediately scooted closer to her while Louis and Zayn sat across from them.

"Harry, do you want to start and say hi?" The boy only shook his head, too afraid to look up so opening his mouth was not happening anytime soon. That was probably one of the reasons Harry kept being moved around; he's way too shy around people he's uncomfortable with, refusing to communicate. Lottie was about to ask him again but Louis stopped her, telling her it's fine. He remembers how his boys were before he adopted them. Well, how Niall was, since Liam was only a few months old when they adopted him while Niall was eight. They adopted Liam about four years before they did Niall.

"Hi Harry. I'm Louis and this is my husband Zayn. We're very happy to have you here, and we hope you will feel comfortable with us." Harry looked up at Lottie, tears threatening to fall any moment. "We have two boys too. Niall who is twelve and Liam who is eight." Harry still refused to look at the two men, he knew he would be sent away anyways so why not try to speed the process.

"We also have a cat named Felix, he's quite the cuddle bug. Maybe he'll want to cuddle you during the night." Zayn piped up but unsuccessfully getting Harry's attention.

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