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So stupid. Harry felt so incredibly stupid. Of course they didn't want him here, why would anybody want him? Just two days after receiving a visit from a couple, Harry was informed he was going to be living with them. The boy didn't like them at all, he wanted to stay here, but he knew he couldn't say anything, he had no say in these things. 

"Harry, darling are you in here?" Louis walked into Harry's room and the boy immediately held his breath from where he was squeezed under the queen-sized bed. He blew his cover when he let out the tiniest of sneezes from the dust that had flew into his nose so a moment later Louis' face appeared on the floor beside him. 

"There you are. Come here darling." Louis cooed and Harry sniffled before he crawled from under the bed. "Were you hiding?" The man chuckled, taking a seat on the bed and pulling Harry into his lap, hugging him close. "Don't be sad darling." He wiped a few of Harry's tears, although the man himself was on the verge of losing it, he wanted to hold it together for the boy. "You'll have so much fun yeah? And we live just a couple streets away, we'll see each other plenty." Louis didn't know if he was reassuring the boy or himself. 

Harry did the unexpected and flung his arms around Louis' neck, burying deep into his neck. "Everything will be okay darling." Louis gently rocked his body to calm the boy, the couple were due to arrive any minute now. "If you ever need anything darling, anything at all, just use the phone and dial this number and I'll answer." He handed a small note to the boy, who gladly took it and shoved it into his tiny jean pocket. After one last hug, Louis helped Harry carry his things downstairs, surprised when he met Lottie and the couple in the living room. 

Harry immediately cowered behind Louis, hoping they hadn't noticed him yet, or possibly forgotten him so he wouldn't have to go. 

"Oh hello." Louis greeted, "Didn't know you had already arrived." 

"Just arrived." Linda answered with a wide smile, trying to look for the boy that was hiding behind the man. 

"Zayn's just transferring Harry's booster seat to their car and then we'll get going." Lottie spoke, although the look on her brother's face was absolutely breaking her heart. 

"Sucks that Ni and Li don't get to say goodbye." Louis pouts, hugging the child close as he clung to his side. 

"Well, Linda is actually in the process of transferring Harry to their school," Daniel spoke and all eyes were on him now. Harry's frown deepened. Did he really have to move in with another family and transfer schools? 

"Oh?" Louis frowned, wasn't it enough to move families first? His arm wrapped protectively around the small boy as Zayn made his way back inside. "All done." 

Louis crouched down to Harry's height, "Remember, if you need anything at all." He patted the boy's jean pocket before wrapping him in the tightest hug. The poor boy, not even a week since his mother passed and now he's moving families again, transferring to a new school and Christmas is just a month away. 

Harry sniffled as he unwillingly took Linda's hand and she led him to their car, Lottie promising she was just right behind them. "Don't cry Lou, I know it's tough." She rubbed her brother's arm to comfort him, but it didn't help the situation as the man just burst into tears. Zayn was quick to assure Lottie that he would handle it so she could go be with Harry, and wrapped his husband into his embrace, letting him cry freely into his chest. 

"D-did you see how scared he w-was?" Louis sobbed, "h-he-,"

"Shh Lou." Zayn soothed, "Remember how scared he was when he first got here? He warmed up to you, he'll be okay."

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