twenty four

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"Harry! Harry, you have to wake up!" Liam shook the boy until he got the tiniest response from him, only whining and snuggling his Elmo closer to him. "Harry! It's Christmas!" Liam tried once again, "We have so many presents downstairs!" 

"Presents?" Harry shot up, beyond excited. 

"Yeah! We need to wake up Niall, daddy and papa before we can open them though. You'll go into daddy and papa's room, I'll wake Niall!" Liam instructed, knowing he almost got in trouble for waking the men up too early last year so he figured sending Harry in there would have better effects. He wasn't sure what time it was, and it was still dark outside, but that didn't stop him, even though his fathers specifically told him not to wake them until the sun was starting to come up. 

Harry just nodded, climbing out of the bed with a little help from Liam. "Go on." Liam urged when Harry stood outside the master bedroom, making him slowly open the door. To his surprise the men were just cuddled up in bed, watching the TV but turning the volume down when they noticed the door opening. 

"Liam? Is that you?" Louis shot Zayn a look, knowing that boy tended to get a little too excited and couldn't sleep. 

"No." Harry mumbled shyly. "S'just me." He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he made his way further into the room. 

"It's only a little past midnight darling, what are you doing awake?" Louis asked before being interrupted with a loud cry of 'daaaddyyyy' coming from Niall's room. The man sighed, making his way out of the bed, lifting Harry onto it before he went the fetch the crying boy in Niall's room. 

"What are you doing awake, hmm?" Zayn tickled the boy's side, making him let out the smallest of giggles. "You've only been asleep for three ours." 

"Liam said it was Christmas. Had to wake you so we can open the presents." 

"Hmm. Well it's still early, and I still haven't heard Santa arrive. He won't come if you're awake." Zayn hummed, watching as Louis carried a crying Liam into the room. 

"H-he hit me daddy. Here." The boy pointed at his upper arm. "Was only trying to wake him up."
"Liam, it's nowhere near present opening time, you know that. You shouldn't have woken your brothers up." Louis lightly scolded, but swayed the boy in his lap nonetheless. "What did we talk about before you went to sleep?" 

"Only wake them if the sun's comin' up." Liam mumbled grumpily, significantly calmer now. "But I just want to open the presents daddy!" 

"I know baby, but we still have to sleep a little bit." It didn't take long for Liam to fall asleep as Louis was lightly swaying him, so as soon as he was knocked out, Louis carried him back to bed. "And you little monkey." He pointed at Harry once he entered the room again. "You should be asleep so that Santa can come here... or maybe the tickle monster will just come back instead." Louis walked towards the boy, wiggling his fingers, making the boy squeal and quickly crawl onto Zayn. 

"Don't get him too excited, he still needs to sleep." Zayn laughs, but gives the boy a little tickle. "Alright, let's get you back to bed." The man laughed but Harry only whined. 

"Nooo. Wanna cuddle with you." He rubbed his eyes tiredly and Zayn just shrugged before placing the boy on the middle of the bed. "Still need my 'Mo." Harry hummed, his thumb making its way into his mouth. Louis quickly went to grab the item, which Harry instantly cuddled close when it was handed to him. Luckily it was no fuss getting him back to sleep, he was out like a light just a minute later, the men deciding to sleep too since they knew they'd be in for an early awakening.

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