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"Okay, I've packed your lunch right here and there's also a little snack in case you get extra hungry." Louis showed Harry where he was packing the lunch in the school bag, though the boy would easily find it, he just wanted to make sure the boy knew that he had lunch with him. 

Sunday had been fairly quiet, Harry kept mostly to himself but the weather had been extremely nice so the family had decided to go to the park right down the street. Niall played football with a couple of kids that lived on the street while Liam bumped into a classmate and decided to go play with him. Harry sat on a bench with Louis and Zayn, but didn't take part in any conversation. When they asked if Harry wanted to play on the playground or play football with Liam the boy just shook his head, keeping it low. 

"Daddy. Why doesn't Harry go to my class?" Liam walked into the kitchen with a pout, still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He had cried a bit last night when he found out that Harry wasn't starting his class or even going to the same school. 

"We told you last night, baby. Harry is older than you and is in a different school since he used to live somewhere else." They had discussed it with Lottie and the best option was to keep Harry in the same school since he gets transferred enough around families, so they don't want to add to the stress and make him start yet another school. 

"But I wanna have him in my class." 

"Liam, eat your breakfast." Zayn chuckled, kissing the boy's cheek before heading back upstairs to make sure Niall didn't fall asleep again. 

"Have you got everything for school, Harry? Is there anything we're forgetting?" Louis placed a bowl of cereal in front of each boy, adding little bit of milk to it. The boy gave a gentle nod, eating a spoonful of his breakfast and drowning the apple juice Louis had placed in front of him. "Then I think everything is settled. Niall just has to eat his breakfast and then we'll go, okay?" 

"Yeah! I'm going to a field trip today! I'm so excited!" Liam cheered, scaring Harry for probably the tenth time since he got here. The boy just wasn't keen on loud noises. "Inside voice, Liam." Louis reminded the forgetful boy, earning an apology in return. 

"Is everyone ready?" Zayn yells, jogging downstairs, finding the boys finishing their breakfast. "Almost. We're just finishing up." Louis lightly pecks Zayn's lips before checking again if each bag was ready to go. 

"Nooo. Why can't Harry come too?" Liam whined as he was being dropped off at school, Niall long gone to find his friends. "Liam, we discussed it honey. You'll see Harry when you get home, but you need to go before you're late." Liam just pouted before slamming the car door, mumbling something along the lines of 'not fair' and 'I wanted to show everyone.' 

Harry's school was just about a fifteen-minute drive from the other school and as they got closer the boy in the back seemed to get more and more nervous. Harry loved school, he really did. It was a distraction from his unhappy life but it was the kids that Harry didn't love as much. They were very aware of his situation as Harry had started this school just a  month ago. School had long started and the kids were confused why there was a new kid starting so late in the year. Harry was a quiet kid, hardly ever talks unless it's important and the kids seemed to think Harry was a 'major weirdo' as they put it. He would love it if he had some friends, but he was just so shy and reserved that he was too afraid to approach anyone. 

"Here we are." Louis smiled, turning around in his seat to look at the scared boy. "We'll come with you inside. We want to meet your teacher and make sure he has our phone numbers and such." Harry nodded while Zayn helped the boy out of the car and took his bag. Harry led the way inside, showing the men where his classroom was located. Conveniently the teacher was right outside it, waiting until the last students made their way inside. 

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