Cockiness (Love It)

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~Suck my cockiness

Lick my persuasion

Eat my words

And swallow your pride down, down


Place my wants and needs

Over your resistance

And then you come around

You come around

You come around


I want you to be my sex slave

Anything that I desire

Be one with my femin-ay

Set my whole body on fire


They mad at Rihanna game

Taking over your empire

She may be the queen of hearts

But I'm a better queen to your body parts~


Camila’s P.O.V.



I’ve run into one night stands plenty of times, what makes this time different, IT DOESN’T, so get your shit together! It’s a LITTLE different, most of the time I run into them for a second, in the streets, club…not my best friend’s house and certainly NOT her family member.

Something about her and I found myself rubbing my thumb against her skin. It was subtle enough so that no one else noticed, but I knew she felt it. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, prompting me to smirk. She finally released my hand, taking her seat, my eyes still hypnotized by her alluring emerald gems, BEAUTIFUL.




“Uhhh, Mila…” I blinked a few times snapping me from my daze, “you can sit down now,” Ally chuckled, flashing me her usual cute, funny, but somewhat confused face.

“Ahhh,” I didn’t realize I was still standing and I noticed Lauren’s lips pull to her eyes, HER LIPS, those lips, “actually I just wanted the uhhh,” what is across the table over there, just pick anything! “The butter! Yeah the butter.” I sat back down as they passed the butter my way.

“So Lauren, how did you like the club last night?” Normani beamed, all eyes on the fair skin beauty.

I watched her pull her cup of coffee to her plump, luscious lips, they just kept giving me snippets from last night, the way they felt against my lips, on my body, so gentle then aggressive the next second, DAMN THOSE LIPS.

Blurred Lines (originally started in Songs About Camren)Where stories live. Discover now