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~Oh baby, oh baby, oh we both know the truth

If it were the real me and you,

This wouldn't be the right thing to do

Now the room is all hazy, we're too lost in the fumes

I feel like it's just me and you,

Yeah we got nothing to lose


It's too late to run away from it all

It's too late to get away from it all

I'm done with running so I give in to you~


Lauren’s P.O.V.

My eyes scanned the view in front of me of the New York City Skyline; it was nothing short of breathtaking. The bright, distant sun hovered above the buildings; it’s beams surrounding each one as it touched down on my skin; the feel warming my body. I took a peek over my shoulder, a hint of upward curvature making it’s way onto my lips as my emerald gems landed on her caramel skin, an arm dangling off the bed, her entire body sprawled diagonally. I couldn’t quite comprehend how someone so tiny can make a king size bed look so small. I began to chuckle to myself, my eyes on her disheveled chocolate locks dispersed all over my feather pillows, her red-pinkish lips prominent, grabbing my attention as I continued to watch my heart sleep.

I tightened the sheet around my body, my eyes returning towards the skyline as I pressed my lids shut, taking a deep breath.



It felt amazing, loving her, her loving me, but at the same time, it scared me more than anything. To know that someone else held my heart in the palm of their hands; it scared me. Maybe this is what love is supposed to feel like. It supposed to draw EVERY emotion out of you and whatever happens, choosing love will ALWAYS be worth it. SHE will always be worth it.

Two arms slowly snaped around my waist, her sweet, familiar scent surrounded me instantaneously. Her warm, supple, moist lips grazing my bare shoulder, her kiss so gentle as it sent shivers down my back, “mmm, good morning baby,” I could barely whisper out as her lips made their way up my neck, stopping, and I could feel her smile against my skin.

I turned around to meet her shimmering brown orbs; she had a lazy smile on her face, which prompted me to smile from ear to ear, pressing my lips against hers. There’s this look that Camila has whenever she’s…happy, yes, happy, like a half smile, her eyes exuding the same smile as they somewhat remained squinted, analyzing me. The look makes my heart swell every time; so much that I think it might jump out of my chest.

I let out a chuckle, “you do know you’re naked right baby?” I continued to chuckle, “and people can probably see us,” I looked around gesturing towards the other sky rises.

She flashed me a toothless smile, SO CUTE, “it’s okay,” she shrugged, flashing her pearly whites, “I look good naked,” she winked, pulling me in closer.

Blurred Lines (originally started in Songs About Camren)Where stories live. Discover now