Chapter 2 - Chasing The Unknown...

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Don't forget to check out the trailer --------->

Also check out the pic of Jacob --------->

Ok so I've made a conscious decision not to set my book anywhere in the real world. I wanted to create a whole new place, area and location so that you were really able to stretch your imagination. So if I refer to somewhere that you have never heard of that is why. I hope it works.

Chapter 2 - Chasing The Unknown...

I stood outside of the canteen like a lost soul, I had searched everywhere that I could think of for the mysterious Jacob Matthews and he was nowhere to be found. I was frustrated. I didn't even know why I felt the need to search for him. To tell you the truth I was rather annoyed with myself. This was not the sort of thing that I did, you after guys. Although this wasn't the regular school girl chase, this was different. I could only ever admit this to myself but I felt a strange connection to Jacob as though we were somehow closer than I knew. Crazy, right?

I looked at my watch and realised that there was 20 minutes left of my lunch hour, now would probably be a good time to get some food I told myself. I was always grumpy when I hadn't eaten all day and the mood that I was in right now would only make that ten times worse.

I walked towards the canteen doors, the smell of mash potatoes, sausage and gravy instantly hit my nose as I entered the room. It wasn't a particularly inviting smell but the way that my stomach was speaking to me I didn't really have much of a choice. You come late, you get left overs.

As I walked through the canteen doors there as if he had read my mind was Jacob. "Yes," I said to myself. It made all the searching I did seem worth it. I wondered if I should shout his name but that would probably be rather embarrassing especially if he didn't hear me.

He was clearing his tray and putting on his black leather jacket which, may I add seriously suited him. He was heading towards the door, towards me. Wait, he was heading towards me. Yes, this was my chance but what exactly would I say? How could I talk to him when I didn't know what I wanted to talk about?

I stood still and silently prepared my little speech. As he drew nearer I heard a voice call me from across the canteen. I knew who it was of course. It was Jenny.

"Abs, come here!" She shouted. I turned to look at her and put my finger in the air signalling 'one minute please'. I turned back around to face Jacob and he was gone. I ran to the canteen doors and scanned the hall way with my eyes and he had disappeared, it was as though he had never even existed. Great! My one chance and I missed it...thanks Jen.

"Hey Abs, I was calling you," I heard Jenny say as she tapped me on the shoulder.

"Yeah sorry I was just doing something..." I said now feeling rather confused and slightly annoyed that she had ruined my chances of actually speaking to Jacob again.

Jenny was my best friend. We met when I first moved to Reemus 5 years ago. It was a small town where everyone knew everyone and Jenny sort of took me under her wing. She introduced me to all the other kids, not that I can say that I like any of them now but that was how it went. She made me feel welcome, sometimes a little overbearing but all in all she was cool. We had a strange relationship but it worked, she knew when I did and didn't need her company and she respected that, we had an unwritten law of friendship that we stuck by and it hadn't failed us to date.

"I thought we said that we were going to do lunch? I've been looking for you everywhere," she exclaimed.

"Sorry I forgot. I kind of got caught up," I stuttered.

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