Chapter 8 - The Voice That Guides The Way...

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Chapter 8 - The Voice That Guides The Way...

"What do you mean?" I asked, not knowing whether I wanted to know the answer to the question.

"How do you feel Abby?"

I looked at him confused, wondering whether he had misheard my question.

"I don't understand," I replied.

"You feel different don't you? You've always known that there was something about you, something you couldn't quite put your finger on. You almost feel like this isn't the right life, like somehow there has been some kind of mix up, you don't quite belong..."

Nothing made sense anymore but he was right, I'd felt like that for years but how did he know. My mind quickly jumped back to the last few days of my life and I felt strange, hours ago I felt like I couldn't trust Jacob and now suddenly I felt safe with him again.

"Yes" I whispered still afraid that someone might have been listening. "Jacob what am I?"

He stared at me for a second, examining my face. I guessed that he could sense the confusion that I now felt.

"You're special Abby, you were born that way. We both were".

"But what are we Jacob? Please tell me," I pleaded.

"We are perfectly and uniquely designed Abby. Everything you have seen today has always existed. You just needed to open your eyes, just as I and your father have."

"My father?"

"Yes," he replied, now staring me straight in the face.

I gasped as I remembered what Jacob had said back in the woods. If I were to believe that what he said was true then I had to believe that my dad wasn't dead and to do that was to build up a hope that could destroy me if proved untrue.

"No" I exclaimed, "please stop saying that, my dad died in an accident a year ago Jacob it's impossible!"

"That's just what they wanted you to think".

"They? Who's they, Jacob you're making no sense!"

Suddenly a loud sound filled the air and my hair began to cover my face as the wind blew it violently around. I looked up to see a helicopter flying above us. I scanned Jacob's face immediately, he looked alarmed. He dragged me onto his back again and began to run.

"We have you surrounded stay where you are or we will be forced to take action Mirocos".

The voice came from the helicopter, that word again, what was it?

"Jacob!" I screamed as I held him tighter.

"It's ok just trust me I won't let them hurt you".

I was terrified, everything was happening too fast and I still had no idea who or what I was and why these people were so intent on finding us. I could see trees ahead, thousands of them. I breathed a sigh of relief as I felt we would be hidden from the helicopter. Jacob raced deep into the forest, the sound of the helicopter was distant. I stared at him in amazement as the realisation kicked in that he had out run them. He’s speed was unlike anything that I had ever seen before. Gently he put me down and stared into my eyes.

"We need to go separate ways so that I can lead them north ok?"

"What! No you're not leaving me here, what the hell Jacob, are you crazy?"

"Abby!" he shouted.

I had never heard him raise his voice before, I knew this was serious.

"Please I need you to just trust me. We don't have time for this, look at me".

I slowly turned my gaze to his.

"If we both go they'll find us but I can distract them".

"I'm scared Jacob..."

"Everything you've seen me do Abs, you can do too. In fact you can do more. Your heart is where the answers lie, follow your heart and listen for its voice. I will meet you in the place I promise".

"What place?"

"The place that you're heart leads you to, trust your heart and you'll find it. They're getting nearer I have to go".

He looked me in the eyes for a few seconds and I suddenly felt like everything was ok. He held my hand and drew me nearer, gently he kissed my lips.

"I love you," he whispered as he gently stroked my cheek. Then as though he had never existed he ran off and disappeared.

 I was alone...

I stood still in the middle of the forest, I wanted to cry but my eyes had dried up as though there was nothing left. I looked around trying to figure out where I would go next...everywhere looked the same. Every inch, every angle, it all looked the same. I was suddenly aware of the silence, it made me uneasy and then I remembered Jacob’s words, 'listen for the voice'. I had to do this for him, for us. He said he loved me and if he loved me the way that I loved him then I had to survive.

Suddenly out of nowhere I heard a voice, I looked around, positive that someone was there but there was no one, it was empty. I span around as I heard it again but this time much clearer...

"This way," it whispered.

 I knew exactly what it meant. For some reason I trusted the voice in my head and so I began to follow it...

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