Chapter 11 - The Disguise...

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Ok chapter 11...things are about to get heated hold on tight lol Hope you're still enjoying the ride...don't forget to vote and comment if you like what you read :)

You will also be interested to know that I will be writing a book from Jacob's perspective called 'A Not So Ordinary Boy' look out for it :)

Chapter 11 - The Disguise

I stood outside of my house staring at the front door. My hand was still in Jacob's, I couldn't let it go. The previous strength that I felt had diminished. I was so scared as my mind raced through the possibilities of what Jenny's call meant. I looked at Jacob, my eyes pleading, I wanted him to take away the fear but not even he had the power to do that. I worried about my mom and Jenny, what if something had happened? It would all be my fault. They would have been dragged into a world that was meant solely for me. I felt Jacob's grip tighten, he squeezed my hand letting me know that everything would be ok. I kept forgetting that he could hear my thoughts, I tried to hold back but it was difficult, sharing my thoughts was something new, I was not yet use to it.

I approached my front door, there was no need to use my key as the door was slightly ajar, my stomach dropped. I stepped in quietly as Jacob followed closely behind me. I was careful not to make too much noise so that I could assess my surroundings. Suddenly I heard a bang and the door slammed shut. I swung my head around to find  Jacob lying on a heap on the floor, I gasped.

"Jacob" I whispered.

"Get up, please..."

Suddenly I heard footsteps walking towards where I was now crouched down next to Jacob...

"Isn't this just the lovely little fairy tale, boy meets girl, girl falls in love with boy everyone lives happily ever after...or not".

"It was you? What have you done! What the hell has gotten into you?" I exclaimed.

"Me? Nothing’s gotten into me, other than what has always been there," she smirked as the words passed her lips.

"What's the matter Abs you don't look happy to see me, after all we are best friends," she chuckled.

"You're not my best friend, you're a monster!"

"Oh is that right funny that we've spent the best part of 5 years being best buds as these pathetic humans call it and yet I've never been referred to as a monster before. What's the matter Abs? Don't you like the real Jenny?"

I stood in utter disbelief as I realised that I had spent the whole of my life living a complete lie, my dad wasn't my dad, my brother wasn't my brother and now my best friend had suddenly become my arch enemy.

"You see it took many years studying you and ensuring that you never ever progressed to anything more than the pathetic Abby that you've always been. I even rejoiced when I thought that, that fake father of yours was dead but oh no you had to all spoil it didn't you. I mean, they say that I lie, kill and destroy but they didn't exactly do better than me when it came to your life, aye Abs".

"They're nothing like you, you’re evil. You set out to destroy people's lives! They were just trying to protect me!"

"Ha don't make me laugh! Hey how about we play a game, how about hide and seek. You use to love that when we were little didn't you...Ok 1,2,3 ready or not…HERE I COME!"

Suddenly it was pitch black, a sense of terror crept down my spine, it was as if I couldn't breathe. Everything I had done today, everything I had achieved and yet nothing could have prepared me for this moment. I could hear a scratching noise but I couldn't make out where it was coming from, suddenly I felt an ice cold hand grab my ankle and pull me to the floor, it dragged me across the pitch black room. I didn't scream. I was silent. I was unable to utter the words that I wanted to say.

I suddenly found the strength to pull my ankle from the clutches of her hand and run towards what felt like a doorway. I slipped quietly into the next room and crawled towards what felt like a wall.

"No fair Abs, you can't cheat I found you now! I win".

I heard her say with the sound of laughter in her voice. It was strange that all of my life I had recognised Jen's voice no matter how far she was away from me or how loud it was and yet in this moment right now I felt like I was listening to a complete stranger. I pushed my back gently against the wall as I slowly lifted myself up. My eyes attempted to focus but it was too dark, my senses picked up on a presence. I knew that she was in there with me. I stayed silent, I didn't move an inch but suddenly I felt a hand over my mouth I almost screamed but then I heard his thoughts. It was Jacob.

He grabbed my hand as we quickly made our way to the window. My thoughts were so loud in my head that I began to get a headache, but I just about heard Jacob's thoughts over mine. It was ok, he could see in the dark. A sudden sense of relief came over me. He gently levered me up to the window, I stepped out still unable to see but trusting my other senses completely. This was my house I thought to myself, I knew my way around. As we climbed out of the window, I lost my footing at the edge of the ledge. Jacob grabbed my hand just in time. I clung onto his hand, sweat dripping from my brow. I could hear his thoughts so clearly he couldn't hold on any more our hands slipped apart and I fell.

The pain of the fall was nothing compared to the noise that it had made.

"Hide," Jacob said. "I'm coming".

It was too late I seen her red eyes glistening through the window and then they disappear in a split second. She was coming. Jacob heard what I was thinking and jumped, it amazed me how we had jumped so high and performed so well earlier and then in the midst of fear we were nothing but helpless.

He grabbed my hand and we started to run, fast but we were instantly pulled back. She didn't even have to touch us. Our powers were no match for hers we couldn't compete. In that moment, what I believed to be our last moment when hope had died I did the only thing I knew how to do, the thing my dad taught me to do in times like this...

"Father I have followed your word, we have followed your word, we have humbly come to your throne. Have mercy father, oh please have mercy, we serve no other but you. In you we trust, I am ready to become your angel if it is your will. Amen".

Suddenly an outburst of laughter broke out.

"You stupid girl, do you think he cares about you. Where is your father now aye? Face it you are alone!"

I felt her breath in my face, it was cold and icy. It sent chills down my spine. She picked me up off of the floor by my neck and held me in the air. My strength was no match for hers. I did nothing but dangle before her. I couldn't breathe, the tighter she squeezed, the more that I choked. I felt my head go light and my vision start to blacken. I was fading away, becoming part of the same earth that I had once felt at one with. I heard Jacob pleading with her to let me go, I heard her screeching laughter, filling the pure air with her poison. I was going, my time was up. I had admitted defeat, we had lost the battle. I desperately tried to open my eyes to look at Jacob one last time, to say goodbye...then I heard a voice, a big loud stern voice...

"Put her down," he said with the world of authority in his voice. I turned my weakened head to see who stood before us...

It was him, my dad…Steve.

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