Chapter 5 - The Mystery Unfolds

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Chapter 5 - The Mystery Unfolds...

As I stood outside of the school gates I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't even just a little bit excited at the thought of meeting up with Jacob. He was so different to any other guy that I had dated and since they were all idiots it was a refreshing experience.

"Boo!" Jacob screamed as he grabbed my shoulders from behind. Immediately I jumped and screamed making a complete idiot of myself outside of the school.

"What are you doing you maniac?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry but that was just too tempting," he said whilst laughing at my still shocked face. "Oh you do make me laugh short legs".

"Well I'm glad that I could be of some assistance in entertaining you," I said as a smile spread across my face.

To be honest it felt nice to just relax and laugh. Since my dad had died I had lost that humorous part of my personality and whilst I'd never admit it I had longed to get it back. It may seem strange but in a lot of ways Jacob reminded me of my dad, they had that same witty way of speaking and making you like them, and above all they could both easily put a smile on my face. I knew that my dad would like Jacob and I found comfort in that. My dad was like my best friend and he knew everything about me. It was so easy to talk to him, it was so easy to talk to Jacob.

"Hey you look lost in your thoughts there, anything interesting?" He asked.

"Sorry I was just thinking about my dad".

"You miss him right?"


"He’s proud of you, I’m sure of that”.

“Thank you, that’s a beautiful thing to say,” I replied.

Suddenly I felt the tears start to fill my eyes I tried to hold it back but I never really spoke about my dad, not out loud anyway and I never realised how much it still hurt.

"Hey Abs I'm sorry I never meant to upset you..."

"It's not you it's just when I think of him, it's just...he was a great guy. He would have liked you," I said with a smile spread across my lips.

"If he was anything like you Abs I would have liked him too".

Our eyes met for a moment and we connected. It was as if we knew what each other were saying without the need to even speak. I smiled at him. We carried on walking in complete silence it wasn't awkward it was almost beautiful.

“Here we are, ladies first,” he said as he held open the diner door.

“Thanks,” I said as I smiled at him.

“Hello Abby, I haven’t seen you in such a long time. You have grown up into a beautiful young lady haven’t you?”

It was Marie, she was Carl’s wife. I had known her for years. Reemus wasn’t your biggest town and everyone just seemed to know everyone even if you didn’t want them too.

“Thank you,” I said as I smiled.

“And who’s your handsome friend, can’t say that I’ve seen you around before”.

“This is Jacob, Jacob this is Marie, she’s a close family friend”.

“Nice to meet you Marie,” he replied as he shook her hand.

“Oh and polite too, hang on to this one Abby, they’re hard to find”.

She must have sensed how red my face had become as she quickly showed us to our table.

A Not So Ordinary Love Story (Watty Awards 2012) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now