Chapter 10 - The Mirocos

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Don't forget to check out the trailer --------->

If you have made it this far wow again! Thanks for the support, votes and comments please keep them coming they are truly appreciated! I must warn this chapter is quite action packed so be prepared lol :)

Also a special shout out to up and coming writer Renivia...check out her book below...

Chapter 10 - The Mirocos

I couldn't begin to explain the feeling that I got when I felt the power travel through my body, it was invigorating! I couldn't believe that I Abby-Lee Grace was in this situation, this was the sort of thing that I watched on TV! As I stood there in amazement of my new found energy I felt a sudden sense of responsibility come over me...this was not mine to use freely but I had a duty, a sole purpose. It was my destiny.

As I watched the men slowly come to a rise I knew what would happen next.

"Abby! Run! Trust your abilities and beware of the beast it will come in many disguises!"

I wasn't 100% sure what Demetrio meant, but I took heed of the warning anyway. I thought about going back for him first and throwing him on my back as Jacob once did to me but there was little time and it was me that they wanted so I ran. 

Suddenly it felt as though my legs had taken over my entire body. I was moving at a speed that could out run any car I had ever seen. My new heightened senses picked up on the location of them all. I felt it as strongly as if I were being touched. As I ran I felt the wind blowing in my face it was an amazing feeling, I was fast yet my mind processed my surroundings so slowly, I could smell every tree, hear every bird even the ant crawling on the ground I was able to avoid stepping on. I was one with the earth. I could feel the connection, it was so strong, it was as if I could feel everything that the planet could feel, there was no feeling like this.

Suddenly my thoughts were broken as my instincts sensed someone drawing in on me. They were getting closer, my feet moved faster but still the gap between us was closing, I felt the presence by my shoulder. I turned around to look...

"I always said that you were pretty fast for someone with short legs". It was Jacob, I smiled.

Within a second he was next to me, I felt happy to have him here with me. I could sense his every movement, it was unreal. I could literally hear his heart beating in his chest as if it were my own. I took a quick glance over my shoulder, they were still close behind us, I don't know who or what these men were but we weren't going to lose them easily, they were too fast. Suddenly I heard Jacob's thoughts.

"Stop," he said.

I wasn't sure what his plan was but I trusted him. We both came to a halt as they ran past us. They all stopped and turned around. If there was ever a time to be brave then this was it.

I looked at Jacob.

 "I hope you know what you're doing," I thought, knowing that only he could hear me.

"Of course," he replied, a smirk slowly spreading across his face.

As if we were one body and one mind we instinctively jumped in unison. We were high, I'm talking sky scraper high, I couldn't believe that we could jump so far, it was breath taking. It was as if we were wearing springs. I looked down at the forest as we were falling closer to the ground. I thought about God and the gifts that he had given us, we had a mission. We had a responsibility. We were chosen. I glanced over at Jacob, we gazed at each other as we fell through the air. He knew what we needed to do and so did I...

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