Chapter 7 - It's Not You, It's Me...

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Thank you all for the on-going support it's been fab, I hope you are all enjoying the story, this is a shorter chapter but it has some things in it that I'm sure you won't expect! Enjoy and please keep commenting and vote if you like it :) xx

Chapter 7 - It's Not You, It's Me...

I stood frozen, not knowing what to do, I couldn't move. I heard the words but it was as if they weren't real. How could he know that? It was impossible. I wanted to ask him how he knew that my dad use to say that to me but it was as if I had no power to move my lips. The confident take no rubbish Abby was nowhere to be found and instead I stood there the new me. The ‘me’ that he had created.

Suddenly I got butterflies in my stomach, not the fluttering kind that you get when you fall in love but the violent kind that lets you know when something is wrong. He said that my dad was alive but he died in a car crash, I knew that because I saw the pieces of metal on the ground, I saw it on the news, I read it in the papers, I watched my mom fall to pieces, I saw my whole world come crashing he was dead, this much I knew.

"Abby," I heard Jacob mutter as I stood staring at the ground, "Abby," he repeated, "we need to get out of here now please..."

"No, stay away from me" I managed to whisper.

I started to walk away I wasn't sure what direction I was going but I needed to get as far away from him as possible. Nothing made sense since I'd met him I should have known to stay away. Tears rushed down my cheeks as my mind dissected the last 24 hours of my life.

"Abby I know nothing makes sense, I know that you're scared but I need you to trust me please, we can't go this way..."

I suddenly felt the power of a lion come into me as I heard him utter the words 'trust me'. I stopped in my tracks and swung round to face him.

"Trust you!" I screamed as my eyes focused completely on his.

"Why the hell would I trust you? You've lied, you've practically abducted me and now you say something as sick as this and you want me to trust you! Just stay the hell away from me because you’re sick and twisted Jacob and you need help".

I turned back around and started to walk faster. The faster I walked the harder I cried. My vision was blurred by my tears, I knew I should have slowed down but I had to get away from him, I had to escape. I moved forward not knowing where I was going or what I would do next, suddenly I was on a heap on the floor. My foot must have got caught on something. A sudden stinging sensation came over my knee. I must have grazed it as I hit the ground. I didn't care I began to try and get myself back up when Jacob came behind me and pushed me back down. I looked up at him and watched as he put his finger over his lips, a gesture that told me to stay silent. I wanted to get back up and tell him to get lost but the way he looked around the forest, eyeing his surroundings told me that it wouldn't have been a wise move.

Suddenly our two heads swung around as the sound of a twig breaking on the ground grabbed our attention. Suddenly two police officers appeared from behind the trees. It was strange almost as if they were a part of the forest all along and I had somehow missed them.

I looked at Jacob who was still crouched down inches from my face. An uneasy feeling came over me. I had never seen him look like that, he looked terrified as if his life was about to end.

"Mirocos it's time to stop running now, step away from the girl and let her go," one of the police officers said to Jacob.


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