Chapter 6 - And Then He Was Gone...

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Chapter 6 - And Then He Was Gone...

I stood in shock as I looked at the for sale sign stood in Jacob's front garden, I didn't understand. Where had he gone? I slowly walked out of my front door and towards number 158. It was empty, completely empty, no chairs, no TV, no nothing...everything was gone including him.

My stomach suddenly dropped as I processed the information before me. Nothing about this situation made sense, how could he just disappear like that, no explanation, no warning, it was as if he never even existed. I began to panic as I thought about this situation, what if he was in some sort of danger? The way I overheard his mom speaking to him yesterday wasn't right, it was strange. The conversation I had overheard the night before was constantly playing over and over again in my head it was as if he was pleading with her about something, but I didn't quite understand what. I grabbed my phone from my pyjama pocket and searched for Jacob's number, I immediately pressed the call button without hesitating...  

"Hello you've reached the voicemail of Jacob leave a message after the tone..."

"Arghhhh" I moaned to myself. I tried a couple more times but it was no use it just kept on going to voicemail. I was worried.

I walked back to my house feeling lost. It was strange that all my feelings of anger had suddenly changed to worry even when he wasn't around he still had my emotions split in two. As I thought about him more I began to miss him even after everything I heard last night I still missed him, I began to wonder whether or not I was crazy. As I walked up my path I noticed something sticking up behind the plant pot. I walked over immediately to find out what it was. As I got closer I realised that it was an envelope. I picked it up and dusted off the pieces of soil that had blown onto it with my hand. It had my name on it. I opened it without hesitation or even a thought to who or what could have left it there. I began to read the enclosed letter...

Dear Abs,

I know that when you wake up and see me gone that nothing will make sense to you but I'm ok so please don't panic. I know you'll be angry with me and I'm sorry. I would however like you to do me one favour, live your life and don't wait for me, I won't be back but please know that everything was real, every word, every was all 100% real.

You will always and forever be in my heart

Jacob x

I didn't understand what was happening anymore but I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. This was it, it was really the end, I wanted to try to hold on to an ounce of hope but that was pointless now I could see that. Suddenly I heard my front door open.

"Why are you just standing there in your pyjamas loser?" Aaron asked as he stared at me. I couldn't speak instead I just stood there looking lost.

"Sorry I didn't know you were...Abs, what's the matter?" My brother asked as he suddenly realised that something serious was happening.

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