Chapter 3 - I Like Him, I Like Him Not...

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Chapter 3 - I Like Him, I Like Him Not...

As the sound of my alarm clock rang in my ears I remembered exactly why I hated mornings. Everything about mornings annoyed me, from the birds chirping outside to the sun shining through my curtains. I slipped my hand from under my duvet, instantly the cold temperature of the world outside hit my arm, yet another reason I hate mornings I thought to myself. I crept my hand slowly over the chest of draws next to my bed in an attempt to find the button on my alarm clock. Got it! I quickly slipped my hand back under my duvet and smiled at the thought of it being warm and silent again. 

"Abby! Time to get up, even I heard your alarm from here!"

Great! Yet another interruption I thought to myself. Was it so hard for people to appreciate the need for that extra 5 minutes sleep in the morning? Yes I know it's just 5 minutes but those 5 extra minutes in bed can be the difference between me having a wonderful day or a horribly miserable one.

"Coming," I mumbled into my pillow.

I was aware that my mother couldn't hear my reply but I'd hoped that her own morning routine would take the attention off of the fact that I was still in bed.

"Abby -Lee Grace I will not call you again!"

I jumped as I realised that I had slipped back into a light sleep. Oh lovely she used my full name, exactly what I didn't need. You see there was a difference between my mom calling me Abby and calling me Abby-Lee Grace it was the same difference as finding out whether you were about to face death row or not.

"Ok I heard you, I said I'm coming like 5 times," I lied.

"Well if you had to say it 5 times then you wasn't really coming was you!"

It bothered me that my mom was so clever sometimes, it was always a problem for me in situations like these. I slowly prepared myself to get out of bed. I decided that I'd count to five and then just jump up…




"AHHHHHH!" I screamed as the cold water hit my skin.

"Aaroooooonnnnnn!!!!" I shouted as my brother threw my duvet on the floor and ran out with his now empty cup. If there was one thing that I disliked even more than mornings it was my brother.

"Mom have you seen what he's done? My bed is soaked!" I screamed, not knowing which part of the house she was in.

"Yes well had you have listened to me the first time your brother wouldn't have been given the opportunity to do so would he?" She replied as she stood at my doorway with what appeared to be a smirk forming in the corner of her lips.

"Grrr," I growled as I stormed into the bathroom.

I'll deal with Aaron later I thought to myself as I set the temperature of the shower. I walked over to the sink and picked up my toothbrush and layered it with toothpaste. As I looked in the mirror I started to remember yesterday’s events and how shocked I was when I realised that Jacob would be living two doors from me. It was strange because I had spent what felt like an entire day searching for him and yet the very thought of him living 2 doors from me frustrated every bone in my body. Then I chuckled to myself as I thought about his mother, don't get me wrong she was lovely but the very fact that she was out scouting for friends for her son was utterly embarrassing. At least this was one thing that I'd have over him. I know he hasn't done anything to me to want to have something over him but there's something about him that tells me that he will so it pays to be prepared.

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