Chapter 5 - How does he know

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I flush when I look down at the message. I'm so angry, half because this kid is such a skeeze and half because he thinks I'm that easy. 

*How the fuck did you get my number* I respond.

Maybe after I reject him again he will get the message. Moments later the bell rings and signals the End of lunch. I have double Maths next. I hate this class. None of my friends are in it, Its just because i got put in the extension class and they're all in the average or below average. I'm beginning to think i may have picked the sporty group more than the studious but its a nice change. Maybe this year I might even get to go to a few parties. 

"Ms Holland" an angry voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Errrm umm sorry yeah?" i manage to blurt out

"What is the answer" 

"i dont know sorry"

"Well maybe if you payed attention you would" Mr Strebor says as he rolls his eyes. After embarrassing me in front of the whole class he continues on with the lesson and in what feels like 6 hours the double is over. 

*Come into work today?* I get a message as I walk home from the bus stop. 

*Sure, I'll be there in 20* 

I begin to walk a bit faster and am home in no time. I sling on my bikini and grab my wetty and shove it in my bag. Rick says we don't have to wear them but I feel like I should. I start walking to Tamarama   I pass lots of suburban homes on my way and can't help but think how it would feel to live in one of them. To have a solid income and a family thats around all the time, to have a sit down dinner not just some left overs in the microwave. I'm to caught up in my thoughts to notice a brick out of place on the side walk and I almost stack it , luckily I manage to recover before i landed and broke my board. 

"Hey Summer"

"Hey Rick, how are you"

"Yeah yeah i'm good, summer you don't have to do the whole forced polite thing with me."

I know i don't have to but I feel weird acting so casual with my boss

"Ohhh yeah ok"

A young group of Kids and who i assume are their parents walk onto the beach. Rick points them out and tells me they are who I'm teaching today. I go through the normal procedure of how to get out of a rip if you get stuck, and the signals if you need help. I teach them all to stand on the board properly and then we head out. The little kids aren't to bad they catch a few waves in, but the adults are just hopeless. Throughout the lesson I notice they all have British accents, I can't help but think of the curly haired boy from yesterday. Should i have called him, maybe I should have, maybe I will. Its definitely not to late. I feel someone tap by stomach, and its one of the kids asking for help. I really need to pay more attention if I'm going to keep this job. 

I finish the lesson and as I'm about to walk back home Rick calls me over. 

'Summer, I'm really sorry that I haven't discussed this before with you, but I wanted to tell you that I havent forgotten about your Pay"

"Honestly Rick i hadn't even thought about it, this doesn't even feel like a job."

"Well it is, because you worked on a weekend yesterday you get payed more. You get payed 18 dollars an hour on weekdays and 22 dollars an hour on weekends. "

Im gobsmacked thats way more than I ever thought my first job would pay. That means from 2 days work I already have $120. I'm beginning to really love working.

"Oh wow thanks Rick" I say as I continue to turn pinker

"No problem."

I wave goodbye and start walking home. On my way home I feel like someones been following me but everytime I turn around there no one there.

I lay on my bed and check my phone, I have a new message  from the same unknown number as before 

*I wanted to talk to you* 

What is wrong with this dylan kid, if he wanted to talk to me he can fucking walk up to me and say something not stalk me down and find my phone number.

*Well why didn't you just talk to me today* I respond and I am to infuriated to await an answer. I toss the phone onto my bean bag and walk downstairs to make some pasta for dinner.

This move really did change everything. We didn't move overly far but it was enough to change my whole life. I hardly ever see my family, i think the last time i saw either of my parents was when i asked if i could get my job 2 whole days ago. I might as well be living by myself. 

I eat my dinner in bed, if there is no one here to tell me off, i will do whatever the hell i want to do. I hear my phone vibrating and assume it would be my mother telling me to just eat dinner so I dont bother to get up. The vibration changes and now its ringing. 

*UNKNOWN CALLER* I answer it apprehensively 

"Hello, Summer speaking"

"Why didn't you answer me" I hear a thick british accent through the speak


"Who did you think it was"

"When you were texting me, I thought you were some kid from school"

"Oh umm yeah ok"

"How did you get my number?"

"Summer, I'm famous I can get anything I want, it wasn't exactly difficult." he pauses and the silence is really awkward 

"Why didn't you call me when I gave you my number" He finally says

Oh shit, how do I respond, oh my god FUUUUCK. 

"I umm I didn't know you gave me your number"

"Summer I slipped it in your wetsuit"

"Oh it must have fallen out with me noticing." nice work summer, good cover.

"Oh well I would like to take you out on a date"

"I umm I err i dont really know about that Harry"

"Why not?"

"I just don't want to be all over the media"

"We wont we will be really subtle i promise"

i eventually cave in and harry decides to take me out after school tomorrow. He tells me it will be casual and I can just wear whatever im wearing to school. 

I am really nervous, this isn't like any other date. I'm about to go on a date with one of the most famous people in the world and I haven't told anyone. but i think i will keep it that was, i don't want this getting out around school. Let alone My parents. I go to bed with butterflies in my stomach, Im so excited for tomorrow and can't wait.

I wake up refreshed and ready to go. I straighten my hair and chuck on a pair of high waisted shorts and a crop singlet. After putting on my white converse and applying some light makeup I'm ready. It all feels really awkward, like putting makeup on knowing im going to school but only i will know whats on afterwards. and i literally cannot wait.


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