Chapter 9

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You moved on quickly

What the actual fuck, who does he think he is. He doesn't own me. I will go out with anyone I want and I shouldn't have to feel guilty about it.  What the bloody hell is he doing watching me. One minute he is screaming at me and telling me to fuck of, next he is jealous. Now I know how it looks. Like I am just skipping from guy to guy but its not like that. Harry and I went on one date, so I don't think that even counts, we can't be called official. And I didn't know I felt like this about Josh before 4 hours ago. What am I doing? am i seriously starting to feel bad. No I am a teenager, this is what we do, we live our lives and we aren't suppose to think about the consequences. In all my rage I reply.I know he expected to get something out of me. So I gave him the exact opposite, I type what I think will infuriate him most.

Yup sure did

With that I move on, to the mountain of homework that has built up. I always wanted to have friends that went out and did stuff. But I didn't know how much effort it was, I hope its not always like this. As soon as I open my text book I get a message

*Unknown Number*

Hey babe, put my number in your phone xx Josh

I do as it says, and then reply


Now seriously back to this maths homework. As I tear through the endless pages of my textbooks, I expect to receive a cute text back from Josh but it doesn't come. I can't help my subconscious making rude statements Harry would have replied. I can't help but think it's annoying because I know it's true, No we haven't even been on a date, I need to stop expecting that we will be living inside of each others pockets. After all my homework, I'm so over everything and i can't do anything else besides go to sleep, so thats exactly what I do. 

I wake up, and I'm almost as tired as I was last night. I barely slept. I couldn't stop thinking about everything. About Josh, Harry, School and I'm fairly sure something is going on with my parents because I haven't laid eyes on them for at least 3 days. I look out my window and I can tell its cold out, I squeeze into my skinny jeans and put on a singlet and layer it with a flanny. I can't be bothered making an effort, so decide to wear my red vans. 

I lazily walk down stairs and pour myself some cereal but when I go to eat it I'm just not hungry. I pack my school things and begin walking to the bus stop. I make a mental note of that i need to get my learners permit soon. I start to dwell on this idea and I realise that I would actually need parents that are around to rack up the ridiculous number of hours required. I scan my bus pass and sit toward the back, the more I can repel people from sitting near me, the better. 

I run up to Josh who is standing there arms open waiting for a hug. I quickly forget about the text message and I am totally consumed by this moment. We both have Maths first period, and even though its our only class i really don't want to go. It's not that the maths is to difficult, it's just lessons get really boring. My hand is resting on top of my book and it's surprisingly join by another, I turn to look and see Josh smiling at me. I smile back and it takes all of my strength not to cuddle up and kiss him right now right here in front of the whole class.

We sign out just for lunch, only the two of us. We go sit around the corner behind the football stadium on the concrete steps. 

"Summer, seriously tell me about your family I barely know anything about your life!"

"Theres not much to tell really."

"Do you have brothers and sisters?"

"No, just me, Mum and Dad."

"Hmmm why did you move?"

Oh my god, do i tell him its because I'm basically  poor and I assume both my parents are out there working their arses of to ensure that we become stable again. No

"My parents just wanted a change of scenery, and Dad got offered a new job."

"Well Summer Holland, I'm glad you did move because if you hadn't I would be able to do this"

His lips crash onto mine. It's not my first kiss but it's definitely my best. Theres not much competition but hey if he is the best thats got to mean something. His tongue presses against my lips asking for entrance, I willingly let him in. I'm so caught up in the moment that I forget that we are in public. I hear a wolf whistle and suddenly tense. Josh pulls away instantly to see who ruined our kiss. I check the time and we should be heading back anyways. 

The rest of the day goes by slowly but uneventfully, I kiss Josh goodbye before I head home, he said he would have come but its his grandma's birthday or something. I take my seat on the bus and I look around and see a familiar mop of hair walking on the bus, he has his head down, I assume to avoid being seen. Urrrg why does he infuriate me so. I build up the courage to go and sit right next to him. 

"What the fuck do you think your doing" I hiss at him. He doesn't respond. He is only trying to spite me but I'm not giving in.

"Seriously what is wrong with you. You tell me to fuck off on the phone and then the next minute you are basically stalking me. Why did you even follow me?"

"I had to know if you were with him" Oh so he does speak.

"With who?"

"THAT BROWN HAIRED SURFER BOY OF YOURS THAT TOOK YOU ALL OF 6 HOURS TO FIND." Harry yells. The whole bus stops and turns towards us. I get up and walk away. I sit down near the door and begin to get off at the next stop but not before hearing Harry scream my name and tell me to wait.


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