10, cigarettes after sex

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Sitting on their usual bench with a bottle of beer and a bit of a cigarette between their fingers. "So last night, this woman wanted to pay me for sex." Brad said suddenly, as he faced her.

"You know what's great after sex? A cigarette." He said not letting her answer. He inhaled his with closed eyes.

They had dark circles under their eyes, dry mouths and messy hair. Last night was heavy, long hours but not at all pointless in the end. Elizabeth looked at him, raising her eyebrows. "So, did you do it?"

Brad looked down tugging at his lips with a small smile. "Yeah, but..." he looked up, his tongue sliding along his teeth. "I just think we should do it, when we steal as well. Extra money."

Elizabeth couldn't help but roll her eyes again. "You only want someone to fuck, isn't that the deal?"

"Partly." Brad mumbled still with that stupid smile. She shaked her head. "No, I'm telling you, the people with money are so cheap." And Elizabeth could only agree on that.

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