Chapter 72:: 5 for Family

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2 month and 3 weeks later...

Deja's POV

i am now full term in my pregnancy, so these twins can come at any moment. the closer i get to the delivery, the more nervous i get.

it's been a while since Deedee's death. i've been doing better to be honest, me and Asia have gotten closer because that's probably the closest ima ever get to Deedee for a while. she helps me with Trinity while Lucas isn't here since i can't really move around. sometimes i start to realize that my bestfriend isn't around to watch my twins grow up physically, and that hurts me, a lot.

Lucas: baby i bought you f-gco
Deja: FOOD *gets up*
Deja: damn *giggles*
Lucas: you so energetic to be pregnant with twins
Deja: *shrugs shoulders*
Lucas: i have a surprise coming to see you
Deja: ouuu what is it
Lucas: you'll see

3 hours later...

Deja's POV

i just woke up from a good ass nap and all i hear is Lucas laughing and loud ass music. i have no idea what the hell is going on.

Deja: LUCASSSSS *walking downstairs*
Lucas: what *semi-yelling*
Lucas: baby chill we have company
Deja: ohhhhh my goddddd *smiling* Dannyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Danny: wassupp shortstacks
Deja: when did you get here?
Danny: about 2 hours ago
Deja: what made you come down?
Danny: Lucas hit me up and told me you were giving birth soon sooooooo i flew my ass down here to help my sis out
Deja: aweeeeeee *squealing*
Danny: NOW why the fuck your stomach looks like a torpedo
Deja: leave me alone
Danny: is it heavy?
Deja: yeah, i can lift it up *laughs*
Danny: what's the gender?
Deja: female and male. Justice Ali Coly and Jordan Ali Coly
Danny: damn y'all come up with some nice ass names. Trinity Irie', Justice Ali, and Jordan Ali
Deja: no I do
Lucas: she's right, i just approve
Deja: my pussy hurts
Danny: uhoh
Lucas: i don't know why, i haven't had access to it for a while
Deja: Lucas shut the he- OUUCHHHHH *holding stomach*
Lucas: *gets up* what's wrong?
Deja: these rowdy babies are kicking
Lucas: *sits back down* oh man, i thought you were going into labor
Deja: come here, you can feel them moving around *giggling*
Lucas: *holding Deja's stomach* oh man
Danny: sorry to spoil the moment but do you know a girl by the name of Domonique but she go by Domo?
Deja: hell yeah *rolls eyes*
Lucas: she went to school with us, she used to go with my boy Dillyn
Deja: that bitch got some real mental ass issues
Danny: well i saw her at the airport and she was asking me about you Deja
Deja: what did you tell her?
Danny: ian tell her shit *chuckles* i didn't know you if you knew her or not
Deja: good thinking
Danny: yeah, i was thinking she wasn't up to no good
Deja: i'm hung-gco
Lucas: cmon Danny let's go get some MORE food
Deja: thanks baby *smiles*

45 minutes later...

Deja's POV

Danny and Lucas are not back yet, it's been over 30 minutes and i'm beginning to feel really weird. my stomach hurts like hell and i have a serve headache.


Deja: bruh what the fuck *gets up* why knock, when he has a ke-hello *opens the door*

??: hey bitch
Deja: Lily get the fuck off my property
Lily: i came to check on you.....with the social worker. come on Sarah *waving a girl over*
Sarah: hello, i am Sarah and i am a social worker for Child Protective Services.
Deja: what the hell do BOTH of you want?
Sarah: i just came to check out the hou-gco
Deja: FOR WHY?
Lily: sorry Sarah excuse this ignorant pregnant woman *rolls eyes*
Sarah: ma'am, if i am not able to search your house i will have to call the police
Lily: you wouldn't want that would you *pretends like she's sniffing crack*
Deja: i'll call the police for trespassing because i obviously have a "no trespassing" sign big and loud on both of my front windows and gate. you all have no permission from the persons who owns this house which is me and my fiancé
Sarah: Miss Perez you said we had permission from the owners of the house?
Lily: oh um see...
Sarah: sorry to bother you ma'am, congrats on the marriage and baby *waves*
Deja: babIES but thank you *smiles*
Sarah: goodbye *getting in car*
Deja: waste of my fucking time, get the fuck off my property
Trinity: MOMMMMY *walking to the door*
Deja: yes baby?
Trinity: who is this barbie doll?
Deja: baby, that's not a barbie doll *laughs*
Trinity: yes she is, she looks fake *giggles*
Deja: ohhh *holding in laughter*
Lily: fuck off kid *plucks the air* your mom's attitude is a barbie
Deja: lame ass *slams the door*

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