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Its finally the end of stage 1 and the results were up:
1. Edward
2. Peter
3. Will
4. Christina
5. Molly
6. Tris
7. Drew
8. Al
9. Myra

I stared at the results. 2nd? 2nd?

I walked towards Edward who wad comforting Myra, "What?" I snapped.

"Can I help you?" Edward asked irritated.

"You changed the rankings." I snapped.

"Yeah because you know me so well to accuse me of that," said Edward rolling his eyes.

I was ready to stab both his eyes, "Your disgusting. Taking advantage of innocent girls."

Edward and Myra laughed and Edward stood up and shoved me against the wall, "Watch what you say about my girlfriend you smartass. Now get out of my face if you know what's good for you."

I grabbed Drew, "Wanna get bumped to #6?" I asked.

Drew stared at me, "How?"

"Getting rid of some of your so called competition." I replied smiling devilishly.

During dinner I snuck a butterknife and Molly noticed, "What are you up to?" She asked.

"Gonna teach someone a lesson," I replied pocketing the knife.

Molly's eyes drifted to Christina's table but I shook my head and pointed to Edward.

"Why?" She asked.

"I don't do second place." I replied.

Molly rolled her eyes, "Whatever, I want nothing to do with your little game."

"That's fine. Just don't be a snich," I replied taking a bite of my chocolate cake glaring at Edward.

In the middle of the night I shook Drew awake, he stumbled out of his bed and together we walked towards Edward.

He was snoring and clutching the blanket, he was laying on his side so only one eye was visible.

I took out the butterknife and Drew whispered something but I shushed him and took a deep breath then stabbed the knife into Edward's eye. Edward jolted up and rolled on the floor and screamed.

Drew and I quickly ran out of the dormitory as soon as the lights went on and everyone was surrounding Edward.

"Oh man, what if we get caught?" Drew said panicking as we rushed to the boys bathroom.

"We won't, relax." I replied washing my face.

"And if we get kicked out of initiation?" Drew asked.

"They don't know it was us, Drew." I said drying my face.

We then headed back to the dormitory so it won't look suspicious, everyone was talking about it and the Stiff was cleaning up some blood as Christina was whispering something to her.

"There you guys are," said Molly hopping off her bunk. "That was some crazy stunt."

I rolled my eyes, "Like I care."

The following day we received news that Myra and Edward both quit inition, the new ranks were up:
1. Peter
2. Will
3. Christina
4. Molly
5. Tris
6. Drew
7. Al

I smiled satisfied.

"Peter and Drew," we both turned around and Four motioned us in the hall. "I know what you two did, and if I had proof I would personally kick you two out of Dauntless." He snapped.

Drew began shaking and I smirked hiding my fear, "But you don't, oh darn." I said smirking.

"I hope karma hits you both hard," Four said shaking his head and walked away.

"That was close!" Said Drew.

"Oh well, he has no proof so who really cares?" I shrugged and walked away.

Later that day when me, Molly and Drew were alone in the dormitory Tris walked in in just a towel.

Drew whistled, "Look who's here."

Molly laughed, "Never seen a Stiff so much skin before."

Tris ignored us so we walked towards us and I blocked her way as she grabbed something from her drawer

"Whatcha hiding under there?" I asked.

She quickly ran under my arm and I grabbed her by the towel, she kept trying to run away so I yanked the towel right off of her for a good show.

She quickly covered herself up and ran to the bathroom, we all burst into laughter.

"She's probably crying for her mommy right now!" Molly said through her laughter.

"Hmph what a wimp, I bet her parents aren't even gonna show up today," said Drew.

"Wait, what day is it?" I asked.

"Visiting Day."

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