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I couldn't sleep all night then I hears footsteps approuch my bed, "Hey. Let's go," said the voice. I didn't recognize the voice but I knew it meant it was time do to Jeanine's favor.

I immediently got up, put on my shoes, grabbed my backpack and headed out. Eric, Max and a few others were there, they were each boarding the train.

"Didn't think trains were going this late at night," I said.

Eric turned around, "Trains never stop in this city. Now get on unless you want to back out."

I wiped the streak of sweat from my forehead and jumps on the train.

"Alright! We are heading towards the Erudite compound. There you will know what your duty is if you don't already know it."

"Hey your an initiate, right?" Asked a voice.

I turned around, he looked vaguely familiar. "Yeah, what of it?" I asked.

"Shouldn't you be asleep then? Tommarows a big day. Or are you a traitor?" His eyes were cold.

"I'm no traitor, and I can say the same thing about you," I snapped.

"Wow, calm down-" He started but a woman cut him off.

"Zeke. That's enough." It was the woman who administered my aptitude test. Tori. "We are all here for the same reason even if we had different reasons to make our decision."

"Hmph, whatever." Zeke said rolling his eyes then turning away.

What was his problem? I thought.

We finally arrived to the Erudite compound, as I was preparing myself to jump the train came to a complete stop.

I followed everyone off the train, it was weird actually walking off the train instead of jumping. Then we entered the compound and Jeanine was standing on a podium, "I see you are all present. You each know your duties, and remember, put your lives on the line if you have to. We must take back what is rightfully Erudite's and destroy the Divergent!"

Everyone began chanting 'Faction before blood!' and 'They must be eliminated!' Then marched out.

Eric shoved a gun in my hands, "Down the corridor, make a right, then a left and your there."

I nodded quickly and jogged to his directions. My duty was to guard the emergency exit where intruders might break in from. Easy, I thought. Then I will become Dauntless and everything will fall into place.

A few hours past by and I began passing back and forth until I finally heard footsteps, I turned around to point my gun at the intruder until I realized who the intruder was. The Stiff.

"Peter?" She snapped.

"Well if isn't the stiff," I replied smirking.

"Hm, I'm not sure why I'm not suprised your a traitor." She rolled her eyes.

"This explains why you did so well on the Fear Landscape. Your Divergent."

She then ran towards me and punched the gun out of my hand, then she snatched it and pointed it at me.

"Oh come on. Your not really gonna shoot me," I said snickering.

She hesitated for a moment then said, "Why does everyone keep saying that?" It all happened so fast but then a gunshot went off and I let out a loud scream.

That b*tch got me in the arm!

Then 3 men rushed in, 2 were probably related to her another was Marcus Eaton. The Abnegation leader.

"Was it really necessary to shoot him?" The man asked, probably her father.

"Yes," she replied.

Then the boy helped me up and I winced. We then began walking and the boy said, "Beatrice you can't possibly expect him to help us injured."

"Caleb, if only you knew how much he deserved it." She answered, "Now tell us where we can find Jeanine."

"And why would I tell you that?" I asked. She then poked the bullet wound and I shrieked, "Okay, okay! Down that hallway!"

"Beatrice," said her father giving her a disapproving look.

"Dad, every minute we waste is an Abnegations life!" She snapped, her eyes were now glassy.

He nodded and took the gun from her, "That's correct. If I don't make it just know I love both of you," and with that he marched out.

"Dad, no!" Tris called out then rushed after to back him up.

Should I stay or go? I thought to myself.

There were gunshots all around us and then finally silence.

Then suddenly Caleb ran to the other side of the room and I realized her father has just been killed. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the Stiffs. At least they still had their mother.

"We must go on," said Marcus.

"Go on?" Snapped Tris.

"You can mourn your parents later, now we can't waste another minute." Marcus said already turned around.

Parents. So she lost both of them in one day. What is this I'm feeling? Pity?

"Okay." She replied, "Fine."

"The next train is coming soon," I said avoid eye contact with her.

"What now?" Caleb asked.

"I will find Four. You guys go to Amity."

"Amity? Why?" I asked.

"For shelter," she answered wiping a tear.

"Were not going without you," said Caleb.


"Beatrice. I don't want to lose you too. Mom and dad would want us to stick together," he said sternly.

Divergent: Peter's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now